I rolled First turn, but it was quickly stolen from me when he Stole the initiative! (the game was not off to a good start).
I quickly moved my Thunder wolves into position only to be surrounded by his forces.
The wolves took out his termies, but things got ugly for the thunder wolves when they were utterly destroyed by bolterfire. I think I rolled 5 ones in a row to fail armor saves. That and I ended up scattering my own Long Fang Missile fire onto them. Soon, the scene looked like this:
Hamish Blackwolf did not have much life left in him.
Once Hamish and the Thunder wolves were out of the picture, it was a cat n mouse game for the objectives and a couple very drawn out assaults.
If the game would have ended on turn 5 it would have most likely been a draw, but it continued, and I was able to make a mad dash for my opponents objective killing it's lone protector for the win.
All in all it was a very close game. I had a great time and look forward to meeting Death of Angels on the Battlefield for a rematch soon.