If you are like me, chances are you have miniatures in every corner of your household. I have miniatures on my dining room table (currently being painted), these are sitting on top of a huge box full of an un-assembled dwarf army. My bedroom has miniatures covering every shelf and dresser top, filling "my side" of the closet and in a wall mounted display case. There are minis outside in a storage closet and down the street in my storage unit. In other words, I have miniatures coming out of my ears.
In an effort to save space / consolidate armies / and.......shhhhh don't tell......buy new armies, I have turned to the online community to swap and sell stuff that I no longer have a need for. So far I have had great results from 3 places:
Please let me know of any other good ones out there.
So dust off those old minis, get some new ones. Strip off old crappy paint jobs and give them shinny new ones.