Showing posts with label Logan Grimnar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Logan Grimnar. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2011

BATREP: Space Wolves vs. Sun Crushers

Space Wolves vs. Sun Crushers (counts as Blood Angels)

This should be fun. I'm not very great at remembering the key details of battle after the fact. I did a quick video of deployment (which you can hear my daughter in)

Mission: Seize ground (3 objectives rolled)
Deployment:  Spear head
Space Wolves goes first

Turn 1:
Space wolves Drop pod deploys in an attempt to take out (counts as) Mephiston with Arjac, but my drop pod deviated to far away. this put Logan, the multimelta long fangs and arjac, in prime range to pop the land raider (immobilized it), but also in a bad spot to get assaulted next turn by terminators and the death company inside the land raider.

My Rune priest with jump pack and skyclaws moved into the center of the battlefield to be taken out by Sun crusher jump troops.

(I was hoping to pull off an Arjack / Jaws of the world wolf strike on Mephiston, but it did not work out)

Sun Crushers dropped 2 death company dreads near my objectives.

Pic below is the top of Turn Two

Turn 2: 
Long fang missile launchers softened up the mid field jump troops, they were then assaulted by Bloodclaws w/ wolf priest & Lucas in the land raider. Jump troops were destroyed, mephiston remained. 

Lone wolf took out one of the Death company dreads but took 1 wound. 
My Logan strike force was taken out by the termies and Death company. 

Top of turn Three

Turn 3:
Details get sketchy here.....
Blood claws took out the death company with a little help from the long fangs, but were then taken out by the termies and another death company dreadnaught (via drop pod) Mephiston moved in closer to my objective, lone wolf coming after mephiston. 
At this point Sun crushers hold 1 objective, Space wolves hold 2.

Turn 4:
Jump troops move closer to my mid field objective, along with mephiston and a death company dread, my transport is popped and some wolf gaurd come out. to hold the objective, 

Turn 5, for all the marbles.
Wolf gaurd destroy the Death company Dred, Jump troops take out the wolf gaurd (not sure if that happed turn 4 or 5). My lone wolf eventually came in to contest the objective, but was killed by mephiston. 

Sun Crushers win. 2 objectives to 1. 

End of turn 5

All in all, it was a pretty fun even paced game. Mephiston was a pain in my butt, and Death company are no joke! The Arjac/Jaws of the world wolf trick just did not pay off, and Lucas was probably a waste of points.

What worked?
Lone wolf did his job, took out a dread, I only wish he could have done more (and I forgot to take his Fenrisinan wolf wargear. oops)
BloodClaws were excellent, their sheer numbers and the re-roll with the priest was just awesome.
Long Fangs w/ missile launchers put out lots of reliable damage. Next time I'll stick with my usual 3 units of long fangs!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Strike Force: Fire Fox!

I've always thought the idea of Deep striking terminators with relentless heavy weapons is a great idea, but space wolves can't teleport! They can however take a drop pod! I haven't had any drop pod models though, so the thought had just been sitting at the back of my mind until I read this. I have no desire to copy this army list, but I love the idea of Logan, Arjac & the long fangs in a drop pod. It makes me think of an elite strike force / black ops unit. so I came up with this:

When Logan Grimnar goes to war, he arrives at the tip of a drop pod assault spearhead deployed with an elite long fang unit known as the Fire Fox. The Fire Fox is always a full unit of long fangs armed to the teeth with Multi-Meltas, and led by none other then the wolf guard battle leader and Logans' greatest champion, Arjac Rockfist.
Fire Fox will Land ahead of the rest of the army taking out important targets before they know what hits them, with multimeltas blazing, and Arjac Laying down serious pain with his Foehammer.

If any enemy is foolish enough to assault the Fire Fox they will then feel the wrath of the Great King himself, Logan Grimar! They will not live to tell the tale of their mistake.

Next up: Customized Drop pod for the High King!