Monday, May 31, 2010

Spear of Russ Blogger Widget

Show love for Spear of Russ, with this handy dandy Blogger widget

If you have a blogger widget, send it my way and I'll be happy to put on my page as well.

Special thanks to my wife for Making it for me. :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Chaos Dwarfs - Bull Centaurs

Here they are completed after the repaint and color scheme redesign.  My new attempt at lava bases using cork board. 

before pic (this was the only one I had painted)

With the new look, I wanted to get away from bright colors and lots of red and do something totally different. 
I like how the armor and weapons came out,

though I'm not super thrilled with the way the skin came out on the body. I might need to actually blend this to make it look more natural.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chaos Dwarfs - the Before pics!

Disclaimer - I painted all of these in the early Nineties.

 Well, I've un-boxed them and decided it's time for a Chaos Dwarf Makeover. I'll be giving them the Dawn paint strip treatment, and completely re-base and re-paint the entire army. I figured it would be kind of fun to put out some pics of these guys and reminise about my old paint style.

For some reason I thought I needed to use every color of the rainbow. To be fair the examples in the army book are pretty darn bright! 

Colorful, but not too bad. Banners cut strait out of the armybook, For shame!!!!

Purple! It's the new black. 


I actually really like how the shield came out on this one. 

This one really cracks me up. One of my early conversion efforts, it's supposed to be the high priest Astragoth, before a miniature came out for him. Turns out my imagining was way off.

Here's a tease of the new look. This is just a test.....
My first attempt at source lighting (eh..needs a little work) Bronzed armour and rusty weapons will be the theme trough out. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

COC Results

I had a great time yesterday playing in the Great Escape Games - Contest of Champions. All 3 of my opponents were very cool and fun to play with. All of them just great games! My Game scores were:
vs. Eldar - Objectives, Eldar won
vs. Space Wolves - Capture and control, Draw
vs. Imperial Guard - Annihilation, My Wolves won.

There were some great looking armys on display yesterday.
I took home 2nd place for best over-all paint job!
Thank you to all of the very kind words by everyone on my Army, It's very appreciated.
See you in July!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Space Wolves - 1750 - COC - Done!

Believe it or not, This is my very first completely painted army! I'm very proud of this accomplishment. In the past I always get bored or sidetracked into working on another army and never complete anything. Those days are over! All ready for the Contest of Champions this weekend.

1750 Pts - Space Wolves Roster - CoC 1750

HQ: Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf (1#, 275 pts)
   1 Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf @ 275 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Belt of Russ; Terminator Armour; Wolf Tail Talisman; Wolftooth Necklace; Storm Bolter; The Axe Morkai; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Eternal Warrior; Independent Character; Living Legend; Stubborn; The High King; Saga of Majesty)

HQ: Rune Priest (1#, 130 pts)
   1 Rune Priest @ 130 pts ( Power Armour)
      1 Rune Priest in Power Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Chooser of the Slain; Runic Armour; Bolt Pistol x1; Runic Weapon x1; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Independent Character; Psyker; Living Lightning; Storm Caller)

HQ: Wolf Lord (3#, 245 pts)
   1 Wolf Lord @ 245 pts ( Power Armour)
      1 Wolf Lord in Power Armour (Unit Type: Cavalry; Krak Grenades; Runic Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Fenrisian Wolf; Bolt Pistol; Frost Weapon x1; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Independent Character; Rending in CC only; Saga of the Warrior Born)
         2 Fenrisian Wolf (Unit Type: Beasts; Vicious claws and fangs; Counter-attack)

Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (7#, 236 pts)
   1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 236 pts (Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Razorback)
      1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Storm Bolter x1; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Combi-Plasmagun x1; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      3 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Power Weapon x1; Storm Bolter x1; Cyclone Missile Launcher; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      1 Razorback (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Transport Capacity: 6 models; Access Points: 3; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Lascannon)

Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (7#, 238 pts)
   1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 238 pts (Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Razorback)
      1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Combi-Flamer x1; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Combi-Meltagun x1; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      3 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Power Weapon x1; Storm Bolter x1; Cyclone Missile Launcher; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
      1 Razorback (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Transport Capacity: 6 models; Access Points: 3; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Lascannon)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#, 115 pts)
   5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 115 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x5; Bolter x4; Close Combat Weapon x5; Meltagun; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Rhino)
      1 Rhino (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Transport Capacity: 10 models; Access Points: 3; Fire Points: 1; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter; Repair)

Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (4#, 230 pts)
   1 Thunderwolf Cavalry @ 230 pts (Unit Type: Cavalry; Thunderwolf Cavalry; Thunderwolf Cavalry; Thunderwolf Cavalry; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Rending in CC only; Wolfkin)
      1 Thunderwolf Cavalry (Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Bolt Pistol; Power Fist)
      1 Thunderwolf Cavalry (Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Close Combat Weapon; Bolter)
      1 Thunderwolf Cavalry (Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)
      1 Thunderwolf Cavalry (Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
   5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon x5; Missile Launcher x5; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Fire Control)
      1 Squad Leader (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Fire Control)

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
   5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon x5; Missile Launcher x5; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Fire Control)
      1 Squad Leader (Unit Type: Infantry; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Fire Control)

Validation Report:
d-1. Formatting: for AB 3.2; c-1. File Version: 1.07b For Bug Reports/; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission; 1. Chapter: Space Wolves
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Total Roster Cost: 1749

Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at

Monday, May 17, 2010

Barter is good

If you are like me, chances are you have miniatures in every corner of your household. I have miniatures on my dining room table (currently being painted), these are sitting on top of a huge box full of an un-assembled dwarf army. My bedroom has miniatures covering every shelf and dresser top, filling "my side" of the closet and in a wall mounted display case. There are minis outside in a storage closet and down the street in my storage unit. In other words, I have miniatures coming out of my ears.

In an effort to save space / consolidate armies / and.......shhhhh don't new armies, I have turned to the online community to swap and sell stuff that I no longer have a need for. So far I have had great results from 3 places:

Please let me know of any other good ones out there.

So dust off those old minis, get some new ones. Strip off old crappy paint jobs and give them shinny new ones.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Road to COC

I'm trying like mad to complete my 1750 for the Contest of Champions. Squad of Missile launchers if nearly complete. I have some Thunderwolf cav & wolf guard to go. 5 days left + work + school. Going to cut it close. 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dwarfs of Karak Zuul

I'll be using the design below for my shields and standards.
The once great stronghold of Karak Zuul was legendary amongst the Dwarfs for creating great war machines and fabulous runic weapons. In 2500 the hold was over run by Greenskins. Many Dwarfs died to ensure the engineers guild could escape with their plans and creations intact, including thier Lord Master Engineer; Burlan Barakison. . His sacrifice was not in vein for not a single war machine was captured by the Orcs. Now the Dwarfs that once called Karak Zuul home, roam the land as Rangers and Miners often attacking by surprise and from underground advances, always bringing their mighty war machines to bear upon the enemy. The Dwarfs of Karak Zuul will never rest till their grudge has been settled, and the Greenskins eradicated from the Worlds edge mountains and surrounding lands.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Enemy's of the Emperor beware

The Sun Crushers Cometh!

Head on over to for my Brother Generals D-I-Y chapter, ever loyal to the emperor of mankind!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Greenskins (WFB) for sale / trade

I'm consolidating armies, the Greenskins are one of many that need to go to make room for others. I'll take paypal or trade. I'm interested in Classic Space Wolves, Space marine vehicles, Chaos Dwarfs, Dwarfs. Send me a message if interested.

Full list of what I have available below (prices are fully negotiable)
Orc boss on wyvern- (wyvern partially painted) 1 @ $25
goblin fanatics (some painted some in blister pack) 3 @ $9
metal giant (base coated) 1 @$20
goblin shaman (painted) 1 @5
Goblin w/bows (some painted) 18 @20
Goblin w/spear (some painted) 24 @20
grimgor Ironhide (basecoated) 1 @10
Night goblin w/bows (primed) 64 @20 per unit (of 20)
Night goblin w/ net (some painted, some in blister pack) 6 @5 each
orc w/ 2 choppa(some painted, some on sprue) 21 @ $20
orc w/ bow (some assembled, some on sprue) 35 @ $20
forest spider riders (assembled) 10 @ $20
orc boss on boar (painted-pictured above) 1 @ $15
orc chariot (one assembled, one on sprue) 2 @ $15 each
orc shaman on boar (assembled) 1 @ $10
ork w/hand weapon (classic metal painted, plastic painted, some on sprue) 30 @ $20
snotling (individual snotlings to be put on bases, and some based) a bunch
spiders (individual little) 12
squig (some assembled, some in blister pack) 6 @ $20
gobbo boss (classic metal) 2 @ $5 each
gobbo shaman (classic metal) 2 @ $5 each
gobbo shaman converted - riding squig (base coated) @ $10
troll (1 painted, 1 plastic, 1 classic, 1 assembled metal) 4 @ $15 each
converted night goblin champion (painted) 1 @ $10

More pics here

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Battle report - Wolves vs. Nurgle

OK, not exactly a full on battle report...More of a synopsis. I had a great time last night playing Death of Angels and his Chaos Marines of Nurgle at the FLGS . We rolled Capture & Control, Dawn of War deployment. Playing 1750 pts.

I rolled First turn, but it was quickly stolen from me when he Stole the initiative! (the game was not off to a good start).

I quickly moved my Thunder wolves into position only to be surrounded by his forces.

The wolves took out his termies, but things got ugly for the thunder wolves when they were utterly destroyed by bolterfire. I think I rolled 5 ones in a row to fail armor saves. That and I ended up scattering my own Long Fang Missile fire onto them. Soon, the scene looked like this:

Hamish Blackwolf did not have much life left in him. 

Once Hamish and the Thunder wolves were out of the picture, it was a cat n mouse game for the objectives and a couple very drawn out assaults. 

If the game would have ended on turn 5 it would have most likely been a draw, but it continued, and I was able to make a mad dash for my opponents objective killing it's lone protector for the win. 

All in all it was a very close game. I had a great time and look forward to meeting Death of Angels on the Battlefield for a rematch soon. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wolf Lord Complete

Wolf Lord: Hamish Blackwolf upon his Great grey Thunderwolf, Bifur. He is Harold Deathwolfs greatest Champion, and leads the great company to battle when Harold is indisposed or leading another part of the company elsewhere. He wields a huge frost blade given to him by Harold Deathwolf himself. 

Frost blade made from plastic card, skull bitz from SW sprues. Sword arm was the great Frost Axe with axe removed. Left arm from Space marine Sargent kit. 

His right pauldron is adorned with the Runes of his lord Harold Deathwolf

Bifur poised Ready to strike!

The Base is a resin cast product form Secret Weapon. A great deal for only $5. My only complaint is it is slightly smaller then the Standard GW 60mm bases. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'm thinking of getting rid of my Fantasy Green skin horde. These guys were Hilarious to play and fun to paint, but it's time to move on. Too many army's in boxes taking up room. But before it leaves the building, I thought I would document a few of the better paint jobs.

I like how the wood grain came out on this one. Fun unit to play. 

I was perfecting my Bone technique on this guy. 

Conversion I made from a tiny gobbo to a night gobbo champion. (cut off the feet and gave him a dress. which made twice the size of the original mini)

These are the only ones that I did not paint personally. Painted by friends and I ended up with them. 

A portion of the Waaaaghhhhhhh!!!!