Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blog Name change

I've decided to change the name of my Blog. I think this is more fitting the theme of what I blog about most, Space wolves.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Pack Markings / Color scheme.

Normally I like to create my own chapters and background for my 40k army's, but with the wolves I thought this would be the first one I would go by the book. So in starting them out I went with the classic look of Ragnars pack. After playing the army for a while I've decided it would be more in tune to my army to go with Harold Deathwolfs pack, as I'm a fan of the Thunderwolf cavalry! Also I feel like my finished paint jobs were coming off a little bright (too much yellow!). Below is a comparison of the new pack marking and color scheme. (I have a lot of repainting to do now!)

I modified Logan Grimnars transfer and painted it like a sun

I'm going with Gold trim on the shoulder pads now. 

Brown leather instead of Yellow