Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bon Iver for the Win

In light of Bon Iver's Grammy win last night, it is worth going back and reading this excerpt from a New York Times interview he gave last year before he received his nominations in December. I was pretty happy to see him win. Do I think he was? Yes, despite what he says in the interview below. Plus, how often does Eau Claire, Wisconsin get a shout out on national television? Go Bon Iver. And go Wisconsin. Here's the interview.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Imported from Wisconsin

Here's what $175 of cheese, cheese curds, and summer sausage from Wisconsin looks like. It arrived last week from Pine River Dairy in Manitowoc, WI, a favorite stop of ours during trips up to Door County in the fall. And no, this isn't all for us. The blocks of cheddar are aged 5 years and, without a doubt, better and much, much cheaper than any cheddar you can buy in Colorado.