I found a nice corner of a coffee shop a few days ago and wrote out a summary of 2012. Month by month, I put down what came to mind without the help of pictures or a calendar. Here is some of what I have.
Despite having a 6-week break between fall quarter and winter quarter I did not feel ready or excited to return to graduate classes at DU. Maybe it was the 26-27 books I had to read in the first ten weeks of the year. Maybe it was the realization, once again, that Korbel isn't an MFA program and thus, not where I truly wanted to end up. Or maybe it was the unease I have about going through all of this, accruing debt, and the inability to see how this is going to pay off.
I remember ringing in the new year with my parents and having dinner at Bistro Vendome on NYE. We walked Larimer Square after dinner. It was around 20 degrees outside. We marveled at all the hoes lined up to get into clubs. Many were in mini-skirts and low-cut shirts, which conflicted with the sub-freezing temperature outside, but aided in what has become the goal of NYE for so many. Get dressed up. Go out. Get drunk. Meet someone. Go home and have sex with them. One can't be blamed for disliking much about NYE.
I began the last year of my 20s. There was a joint birthday party in Fort Collins at my grandparent's house. My mom and my aunts were there. It was a good time. I missed my dad.
We went to Kauai with Kate's parents. The trip provided so many moments that will be with me for a long time, but a few of them will be with me forever. One of the them was getting to Kauai ahead of the in-laws and exploring some of the island and our hotel with Kate. We took pictures of a beautiful sunset, had appetizers and drinks at the hotel bar and even had a nap before we had to go back to the airport to pick up her parents.
I'll never forget snorkeling there even though it wasn't a great time to snorkel on the south shore. I dove down deep enough under the frothy surface and I kicked fast with fins directly toward the largest fish I saw. I surprised him and he bolted away and his tail made a noise that I could clearly hear. I didn't expect that. It was like a short burst of gunfire under water. I floated right there for a few seconds in silence watching the fish disappear into the murky distance.
There was also a memorable attempt at boogie boarding at Brennecke's Beach, or break-neck beach. The waves here form very quickly, they are steep, and they dump you in shallow water. It's a horrible wave to ride. We tried a couple times, but I'm glad we stopped. One wave managed to take both Kate and I out. But before leaving a sea turtle popped up between Kate and I. It was just out of arm's reach. Kate's face was classic, scared, and proof of what was on her mind, "What the hell do we do now?"
We drove to Farmington for Easter. My parents were overjoyed and we were too to see them and to have beautiful weather for the drive there and back.
We went to Cincinnati for the first time. We were celebrating my college roommate's wedding. Cinci was pretty cool, which was surprising. However, I would never want to move to Ohio. I just couldn't do it. It's flat and boring for the most part. The summer air is sticky. Lots of fat people too.
Another couple of good friends were married this month too. I went to a bachelor party in Boulder. A shot of whiskey, bike rides into Boulder, Mountain Sun food and beer, and there were awkward moments in a shady basement club with a bunch of undergrads listening to Tom's story about how I was in the Olympics, but lesser known because Michael Phelps was a teammate. Then there was almost a scuffle with some very drunk people on Pearl St and a 3am bike ride back to north Boulder and a hard floor to call mine for the night.
I finished my first year at DU. I spent way too much time planning our August vacation, but luckily, I made all the best choices.
Kate and I celebrated five years of marriage with a dinner at Salt in Boulder. We found it underwhelming, but still good in some ways. It just didn't meet the reputation that precedes it.
It was a very hot month. The A/C went out twice.
My DVR was getting overworked by recording 10-16 hours of Olympic coverage a day. I remained glued to the television for most of two weeks and reveled in Michael Phelps' performance, which started off a little rough, but by the end he had proven to the doubters that he still was the best swimmer in the world and certainly the most capable when it comes to performing on the world's greatest stage.
I've written about our big trip elsewhere, but here's a little more about it.
London: hot, muggy, crowded, expensive, tough to sift through all the thousands of restaurants to find a great one, but damn, I still love this city more than any other.
Train ride: first class; I already had breakfast when we boarded, but I didn't know we were served breakfast on first class so I had another breakfast and the alcoholic beverages were on the house for the next four hours; leg room; cruising by the North Atlantic; Instagramming while on the train going 100+ mph.
Edinburgh: crowded, cool, damp, expensive, funny, but so awesome and old. Great dinner at the Dome. One great comedian. One not-so-great comedian.
The Highlands: Stressful driving for both of us, but Kate did a great job, unbelievable mountains, glens, waterfalls, midges, dunking my head in a creek, watching Kate enjoy Scotland, the meals at the Lovat, Loch Ness, Balmuirfield House (our first B&B), the drive into Edinburgh, St. Andrew's golf course tour, and the sense of accomplishment and safety after turning in our rental car.
London again: cooler this time around, Apex Temple Court (amazing hotel), lots of walking, and almost, in a way, getting a little tired of touristy London in the summer, chocolates from Selfridges, and a fitting service at St. Paul's and a great last dinner of dim sum at Ping Pong near the Jubilee bridge on the south side, and the priceless real food market in the same area.
DU starts up again. Senioritis. SecDef...sucking. I'm not a social scientist.
One bad football game in Laramie. Cowboys sucked again. But great company.
A surprise trip to Vegas to meet Guy and Liron at the Venetian. We had a great time, but we both wanted one more night there.
Kate interviews for a new job and gets it.
I continued to slog through the fall quarter, feeling uninspired and bored by most of what I am studying. The Islamic political thought course is by far my favorite class of the quarter.
Kate starts her new job. I finally finish the quarter at DU, getting three A-s, my worst quarter at DU so far.
My parents come to Denver for a good long visit over Thanksgiving. Van Gogh exhibit. Ate a lot. Played Oh Hell quite a bit. Monte was here too. We saw Lincoln.
And Obama wins again. I jump up from the couch, attempt to do the moonwalk across our wood floor, fail miserably, scream a little bit, peak into our bedroom where Kate is trying to fall asleep and I yell at her (out of joy), go back to the couch, collapse, sigh, one more yell, turned the TV off.
We go to Dublin, California to spend time with my sister, her husband and family. Our niece had her 5th birthday party while we were out there.
Kate's family is in town for Christmas. We tour Stranahan's. Eat at Sushi Sasa. The guys go to the Bull and Bush. 11pm service at Montview. I was moved in December.
Kate and I close out the year at home with prime filet mignon, good wine, creamed spinach, and truffle mashed potatoes. It was probably better than any steak we could have ordered here in Denver. I stay up until midnight, but I'm in bed. Nevertheless, I still nudge Kate, sit up in bed, and yell, "Happy New Year!" Then, head to pillow and 2013.
Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts
Monday, January 07, 2013
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Best of 2012
Best Vacation: Kauai was amazing, but Scotland and my
favorite city in all the world with my wife…nothing can compete.
My favorite blog I wrote: This one, about Michael Phelps
after the London 2012 games.
Best Meal: There were two and they happened at the same
restaurant two nights in a row, The Lovat Brasserie in Fort Augustus, Scotland.
Seriously, everything we bit into was mouth-rockingly wonderful. This place
should not be missed if you’re in the Highlands.
Best Live Sporting Event: Front row at the Broncos vs. Browns
game on December 23.
Best Televised Sporting Event: Michael Phelps' last show at this summer's Olympic games in London.
Best Bachelor Party: Sir Travis’ party in Boulder. Whiskey.
Bikes. Mountain Sun. Pearl St. 3am bike ride back to north Boulder up some
pretty steep hills.
Best Graduate Class: Tie….Great Books of the Middle East and
Modern Islamic Political Thought. If it’s any consolation, the same professor
taught them.
Best Photograph We Took: Kate probably disagrees, but I
really love this one from Kauai. It's imperfect, but that's sort of what I like about it in addition to the stunning beauty of that wave and the memory I have of standing in ankle deep, frothy sea water while watching these waves roll in.
Best Drive: From Ft Augustus, Scotland to Portree, Isle of
Skye, Scotland. I wanted to pull over every half mile to take more pictures.
Best Picture of Kate and I: This one taken by Jarrod Renaud.
Best Gift: One I gave.
Best Pet: Monte, my parents’ 16-yr-old cat, for being a
trooper while she lived with us for 2.5 weeks when my parents were in Italy.
Best Thing To Do When The Wife Is Out Of Town: Invite over
all your video-gaming friends for an all-day gaming bonanza with beers and
bloody Marys.
Best Beer: Nothing new, but a beer I grew to love throughout
this year, a beer that has easily become one of my favorites. Odell’s IPA.
Best Concert: Bon Iver at Red Rocks. This is easily the best
concert I’ve seen since I was in high school and saw MxPx for the first time at
the Ogden. The free Lumineers concert at DU was a very close second.
Best Laugh: With Guy Ferber in Las Vegas.
Best Sunset from 4550, our home: This October beauty.
Best Musical Discovery: M83 and the Lumineers.
Best Social Platform: Instagram.
Best Timing for a Photograph: This one by Kate. I didn't even say try to get one of me in the air and then she goes and snaps this perfectly framed and timed shot. Okay.
Best Coffee: Boxcar Coffee in Boulder. This place got me to like a cappuccino.
Current Events,
Life in Denver,
Friday, August 03, 2012
The Power of Propaganda
I was recently visiting with a friend who is smart, wise,
successful, and much older than me. We were just starting our day together and
as a topic of discussion I shared my class lineup at the University of Denver
this fall (I’m an MA candidate at the Josef Korbel School). One of the classes
I am taking there this fall is called modern Islamic political thought.
Thinking my friend was about to further the discussion of
Islamic political thought I listened intently to the words that came out of my
friend’s mouth. “Egypt’s looking for a new Islamic leader. I say let’s give him
I might have looked like a deer caught in the headlights for
a second while I took these words in, realizing my friend truly wasn’t joking.
And then I held a private funeral in my head for the intelligent conversation
that was clearly not going to happen.
I played dumb. “I don’t get it,” I said. “What do you mean?”
“Well, that’s a political thought,” my friend said.
I was thinking that to call it a political thought is to
give it more merit than it’s due. “What’s a political thought?” I asked.
“That we should give Egypt our Muslim leader,” my friend
“Obama is not a Muslim.” I tried to say this as calmly as
“Oh, he’s not?” My friend responded.
“No, he’s not. And for you to call that idea a political
thought isn’t right. It’s absolutely garbage.”
My friend looked taken aback. My stare was intense and I
could feel my pulse rise as I waited for a response, but there was none. That
was the end of our political discussion for the day. But for the rest of the
afternoon I thought about our conversation and I was embarrassed over and over
again for my friend. That my friend could believe such a lie, such propaganda,
was sickening.
It was my first personal experience with someone who has
truly been fed a political lie enough times that in their head the lie has
found a permanent home as a supposed truth. This particular lie is often
presented as a legitimate concern by right-wing media outlets. On Fox News
someone might joke about it, but no one is reprimanded for it, no one speaks up
and says, “We are better than that.”
Yesterday’s conversation exhibited the power of this
propaganda machine. The lie starts with one person and is then adopted by a
cabal, whose only interest is their own, whether it be the political downfall
of a certain politician or a desire to stay rich, powerful, and barely taxed,
or a combination of these. These people are powerful enough to own TV stations,
radio networks, whole news organizations, and they use these assets as hugely
powerful tools to present myths and rumors as fact while simultaneously hiding
the truth from our eyes. (See Roger Ailes and Donald Trump.) Gradually, the lie
spreads across the audience, who might have even dismissed it as ridiculous the
first time they heard it or read it (I hope my friend did at least that). But
the saturation and the never-ceasing tide of money coming from the wealthiest
Americans has proved itself strong enough to hold hostage the intellectual and
independent-thinking abilities of many Americans. (See the continuing belief by
some that Obama isn’t American or that Obama is a Muslim.)
One of the more popular lies among the Right (although, to
clarify, it’s not a lie for them) is to compare the Obama administration to
that of the Third Reich. Yes, the same propaganda machine that convinced my
friend that Obama is a Muslim, would also have you believe Obama harbors a
secret agenda of spreading national socialism across America.
Nothing about Obama’s policies has ever evoked, for me, a whisper
of Nazi Germany. In fact, it was the conversation with my friend that had me
contemplating many a table conversation in 1930s Germany, when it might have
been shared by a friend or family member that they had joined the Nazi party to
the absolute dismay of anyone at the table who had a brain. I am not calling
anyone a Nazi here. If you want to see that, watch a week of Fox News and
you’ll see someone hint, at least once, that an Obama policy is strikingly
familiar to one of Hitler’s policies. No, I am referencing the power of
propaganda. The Nazis certainly mastered it and both the Right and the Left
have adopted some of their strategies. But now, at this point in America’s
history, I think it’s clear that the Right’s propaganda machine is churning out
a lot of lies and doing whatever it takes to shift the mantle of power back to
their side by spreading fear and angst that we have a president who is not
American, but also a president who is a secretive Muslim who is colluding with
Islamic nations across the world in order to favor that religion’s interests.
I am in awe of the propaganda machine and its ability to
convince smart people that they most adopt such vacuous ideas. Next time, don’t
consume the lies. Instead, try to do the thinking yourself.
Barack Obama,
Current Events,
Election 2012,
Graduate School,
Life in Denver,
Pop Culture,
The Media,
The Middle East,
Friday, April 20, 2012
Na Pali Coast
I am not a huge fan of hyperbole, but sometimes it just works. To say that the Na Pali coast is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen is very accurate. I have never seen a coast so beautiful and while I enjoy the mountain scenery in Colorado it doesn't compare to this place. We took a three-hour cruise along the coast one afternoon and it was the best use of our time while on Kauai. The Nikon's shutter got a great workout. The drinks were flowing and the company was excellent. I was so happy that I think I was walking around the boat with a permanent smile. I am sure I looked very stupid. The Na Pali coast alone is worth going to Kauai, which has much more than this, but this very well could have been the highlight of the whole week for me. I can tell you it wasn't the most memorable moment. That came later in the week when I didn't really expect it and hopefully I can sit down and actually write well to tell that story. Obviously, that time is not now, but enjoy the pictures.
This picture was taken shortly after we left Port Allen, from where most Na Pali cruises leave.
Well into our cruise, I spotted this solo kayaker with a fishing rod and an umbrella for a sail. One would not want to kayak the Na Pali solo if one wasn't extremely familiar with the coast and currents. This guy struck me as a local.
The Na Pali shoots out of the water and the green on its cliffs is brilliant.
There are a series of small beaches, most of them accessible from the Kalalau trail, an 11-mile (one way) trail that you need a permit to hike. We only hiked the first two miles, but we both said we would love to go back and do the entire thing.
The Na Pali coast has been featured in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. The most famous valley along the coast was featured in Jurassic Park as the helicopter first approaches the island.
The most impressive section of the Na Pali coast. The thinness of these mountains seemed impossible.
Oh yeah, the boat we were on had 900hp, so when the captain wanted to go somewhere quickly the ocean flew everywhere and filled some pictures with a cool spray.
The mountains here reach heights of 4000+ feet.
In some spots, the captain was able to take the catamaran in very close to the rocks, even under them in two locations.
Another crazy formation, which has had to appear in several movies. Just a guess.
An awesome picture of my beautiful wife as the boat maneuvered underneath the cliffs pictured below. When we were under the rocks we could actually see the swirls of the lava frozen in time right over the boat.
I wonder if anyone has jumped off that....
Cloud cover along the Na Pali coast is notorious. The highest point on Kauai, Mount Waialeale, is almost always shrouded in clouds. This makes sense since it is the wettest or one of the wettest spots on Earth, receiving 450 to 600 inches of rain a year.
I'm pretty sure this beach is accessible from the trail, but I didn't see a soul.
There are so many of these valleys that just explode with color and amazing cliff formations.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Kauai Beaches
Hanalei Bay, the beach featured in much of The Descendants, is one of the biggest attractions on the north shore of Kauai. The waves were perfect this time of year for beginner surfers. We happened to have boogie boards this day and we loved the afternoon we spent here. The rain came and went. The water was perfect. And the waves were just right except I would have preferred a little more size to them.
This is definitely one of my favorites from the entire trip. It stands out among the roughly 710 photos I have left after deleting roughly 275 pictures. At Haena Beach Park.
At Hanakapiai Beach along the Kalalau Trail.
The Maha'ulepa coast. I have a ton of pictures from this area that I'll make a separate post for.
This was the beach right in front of our hotel (the Koa Kea).
Friday, March 30, 2012
I honestly don't know if roosters wander around the other Hawaiian islands, but they do on Kauai. They are everywhere you go, but not bothersome, at least not to me. They weren't waking me up and if one happened to run in front of our rental car last week we didn't feel the need to swerve or slam on our brakes in order to save it. (Just for clarification, we didn't run over any roosters while in Hawaii.) Either way, they were sort of fun to watch on occasion and some of them have radical coloring to them and that was cool to see. I should have taken a video of one of them. All I have are these pictures...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
More Waves
Both of these pictures were taken near Tunnels Beach on the north shore of Kauai. The waves were impressive here, but also not waves you want to get involved with (at least not in the winter months). There was no one in the water here. Not good enough for locals (they surf out on the reef anyway) and way too dangerous for tourists, which made for another opportunity to soak in the beauty and fire up the camera.
Monday, March 26, 2012
I Am In Love
Kauai was better than I could have imagined. We felt like we saw a lot, but we also relaxed quite a bit. There is definitely enough action on Kauai to stay for a couple weeks. I guess we'll just have to go back. I went crazy with the camera (989 photos). I found myself taking a lot of snaps of waves because the sight of them and their power has always mesmerized me and the north shore of Kauai didn't disappoint. These weren't even big waves, but they were still massive in power and full of beauty. They were also big enough to keep me out of the water at this beach. More pictures to come...
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