Showing posts with label Stephen Colbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen Colbert. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Feature, Not a Bug

I am an avid watcher of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. While I truly enjoyed John Oliver’s stint as the host of TDS this summer, I am thankful to have Jon Stewart back as host. He can, at times, deliver the most powerful critiques of our media, especially of the 24-hour cable news networks, and the critique he delivered on his Tuesday, September 17th show, was one of the best I have seen. Below is a money quote and the aforementioned portion of the show.

“So my final, not initial, conclusion is: This is deliberate. The chaos, the vomit onto the screen, the very thing we thought news organizations were created to clarify, is a feature, not a bug.”

Friday, April 18, 2008

Clinton, Edwards, and Obama

Colbert really pulled out all the stops last night in his last broadcast from Philadelphia. Clinton, Edwards, and Obama made appearances on the show and Obama put distractions on notice. Oh, snap.