[Newsweek:] What do you say to parents who think the Wild Things film may be too scary?Sendak: I would tell them to go to hell. That's a question I will not tolerate.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Quote of the Day
NYC - Day 3 - Part 3
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
NYC - Day 3 - Part 2
New Belgium, not Budweiser
Overheard in a bar in Wausau, Wisconsin.
Customer: Do you know who brews Fat Tire? Is it Budweiser?
Bartender: Some company in Colorado.
Me: New Belgium Brewing.
(Customer gives me a funny look, perhaps somewhat appreciative of my response and maybe surprised at my eavesdropping.)
Kate (to me in a whisper): That’s sacrilege.
Bryce: I know. Budweiser, are you kidding me?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Getting to the frontier
Hulking masses of metal in the sky
You fly by every day
Sometimes I spot the gray letters on your side
I can read them from the ground
F-R-O-N-T-I-E-R, I used to live on the frontier
I’ve been stuck in Middle America
A day closer to middle-aged
I’m in the midst of committing
More years of my middle ages
To writing meaningful pages
The Shins and Starbucks
I just settled down into my regular writing table at the coffee shop and what tune comes on? “Phantom Limb” by The Shins. I am instantly sent back in time. I’m wearing a green apron. I’m closing up the store with Jarrod. We just kicked the last customers out and we’ve put on The Shins’ Wincing The Night Away. Our jobs are monotonous. We are bored. But we make the most of it. The Shins help our cause.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Reminding me of 9/11
So I am meandering through a security line at the airport recently. I am bored and to pass some of the time I read signs, even if they aren’t at all applicable to my travel. Traveling with kids? No. Traveling with gels and lotions? No. Traveling disabled? No, but I am freakishly tall, but you guys don't consider that a disability...jackasses. I read on.
I eventually come to a poster profiling the featured TSA employee at this specific airport or whatever…it’s not explained. You know the people though, they suspect everyone and think you are making a bomb out of everything and they are dressed like mall cops. Anyway, the employee featured on the poster is describing how he once screened a burn victim from the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon. I’m thinking this is odd. Here I am, about to get on a plane, and there is a poster reminding me of 9/11 and I get this image of this poor bloke working at the Pentagon on a beautiful day in September and he gets knocked upside the head with a jumbo jet and burning fuel. I just don’t think it’s great to give me, or anyone else, this image. We are all aware that people joined TSA because of 9/11. You don’t need to share that with me. I don’t need to be thinking about that dark day when you are patting me down or when I am stepping onto an airplane.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Scroll Down
Friday, October 09, 2009
The Nobel
Monday, October 05, 2009
NYC - Day 3 - Part 1
Friday, October 02, 2009
Chicago's Loss
I Took The Challenge
During the last couple of days, you may have seen a Starbucks commercial on TV, which advertises the new Starbucks instant coffee called VIA. The commercial encourages people to come in and take the Starbucks VIA Taste Challenge.