Thursday, February 26, 2009
50 Free Champ
Fu Manchu Time
I made a deal with the men of the 200 free relay. If they broke the school record I would shave a fu manchu and wear it all day today. Well, they shattered the record and I spent a long time shaving last night and have received a lot of comments about the fu today. The comments fall into two groups. The first group, and perhaps the most popular response, is something along the lines of, "Nice molestache," or "I'm embarrassed to be in the same room with you." The second group is for more praiseworthy comments. "It looks really good." "If I saw you in a dark alleyway I would run for my life." "You should keep it."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A Good First Night
Monday, February 23, 2009
This Week
There are no practice runs this week. There are to be no errors. There is only room for speed, efficiency and white water.
…And I get to shave this…
The Show
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Why Do I Watch?
I’m watching the Oscars tonight. I always watch the Oscars. I missed them in 2006 because I was not in the country, but I remember a group of students from Southern California boasting the next day about Crash’s big win. In years past I haven’t always known why I was watching the Oscars. So, I am making a list.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Deep Thought: Already a failure?
How is eight years of Bush a success and a month of Obama a failure?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
1/12 of the way there
I just finished The Grapes of Wrath. Reading this novel felt like work. I haven’t read too many books as boring as this one, but I also haven’t read too many books as genius as this one. Steinbeck takes a relatively common story from the Depression and makes it meaty while never glamorizing one aspect of the lives the Joads live. Steinbeck’s power of description and his talent with words impressed me when I was least expecting. For example, a character put into words the way I feel about hunting, but he accurately did so in a few sentences.
Ever see a cock pheasant, stiff and beautiful, ever’ feather drawed an’ painted, an’ even his eyes drawed in pretty? An’ bang! You pick him up—bloody an’ twisted, an’ you spoiled somepin better’n you; an’ eatin’ him don’t never make it up to you, ‘cause you spoiled somepin in yaself, an’ you can’t never fix it up.
We been a lookin’, Ma. Been walkin’ out sence we can’t use the gas no more. Been goin’ in ever’ gate, walkin’ up to ever’ house, even when we knowed they wasn’t gonna be nothin’. Puts a weight on ya. Goin’ out lookin’ for somepin you know you ain’t gonna find.
There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Grapes of...Zzz
I can see why some consider The Grapes of Wrath one of the great American novels, or the great American novel, but for me, that doesn’t necessarily make it a great book. I would say it is a great study, but the fact that I am still reading it in February is proof enough that it is no page-turner. I am so close to finishing it that if I just took the time to read right now instead of write this I could finish the book.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Coming out of my speakers
I never blog about music. (Just a note, Word doesn’t recognize ‘blog’ as a verb. If I rewrite the first sentence of this blog and use ‘write’ instead of ‘blog’ it isn’t underlined.) Moving on.
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Moron Effect
Grad School...2010?
The last time I wrote about grad school and the GRE, I was taking it in January and planning to make some February 1 deadlines. That totally didn’t happen for a number of reasons. To study for the GRE, prepare all application materials, and fine tune a writing sample of 25 pages in one month is just stupid. I was never going to make those deadlines. I only found two grad school programs that had Feb. 1 deadlines. All other deadlines were earlier. To apply to only two programs is just stupid.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Phelpsian Standards
“But aren’t you just a little disappointed in Phelps?” Kate said.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
My Favorite
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Forgetting Everything

This is a birthday book. It is simple to use, much like a calendar. Instead of writing appointments, you write in the birthdays of relatives and friends. Theoretically, one would look at their birthday book every 2 or 3 weeks to remind one’s self of a friend’s upcoming birthday.