Showing posts with label misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label misc. Show all posts

Monday, October 6, 2014

Photoshop...ugh! Monday update...

Yes, Photoshop!  I took a great class at University of Alaska on Photoshop and then decided it was too much work for most of the photography I do (Etsy, Blog, family photos), but things are changing around here.

Big changes for me.  In the next couple of weeks you are going to see changes in the blog format and additional website links, along with better quality photos (I hope).  I have decided to take the jump into making my artwork available on Society 6, which will have home decor items, along with art prints AND Nuvango, which has a LARGE assortment for phone case, skins and more.

But back to my blog post for today, look at this pile of paintings!

Yes, they need to be scanned, uploaded, edited and then on to these wonderful websites.  To answer the question if I am still painting the 200 paintings....yes.   I think there are 10 finished pieces sitting there in the desk.

And when I get tired of the computer work, I am working on a commission.  Here is a sneak peek of what I am working on.  This is 1 of the 3 piece set.

This is just a corner of the work, didn't want to show too much yet.

Have a wonderful busy Monday! - Judy


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