Conquer the big canvas fear!
Actually I worked on two of my fears last week...big canvas and testing fibers on canvas.
First let me talk about my fear of big canvases. I have tried doing larger canvases and have hated them and they sit in my closet waiting to be be painted over. Generally I like to do small works from 3" - 12". the are nice doable sizes and usually on paper, not canvas. But if I do a canvas it is small also. Ok, so I like painting on paper because easy to ship on my Etsy shop and if the don't come out as I like they can go into my scrap box for the one day when I conquer my collage fear (coming soon!)
Canvases on the other side, I am really scared to mess them up. But this week I went decided to just do it. So here is my canvas.
I prefer the vertical position, but wanted to show up the horizontal too. I have a hidden signature so it can be hung either way.
So let's talk about size!! 24" x 12", ok as I type that size it sounds small, but it is much larger than my comfort zone. As you can see in the next photo, it takes up my whole photo light box!
Now I need to talk about my second fear/challenge...adding fibers to canvas. A long time ago, about 11yrs ago I had this dream or desire to create works of art that encompassed me. What do I mean me? Well I have tried every so many things like stamping, scrapbooking, beading, sewing, quilting, embroidery, fiber art, and painting. I knew back them I wanted to create art that incorporated all my skills into one piece. But, when I told friends they would look at me weird and ask what would you do with it? Funny thing I heard about mixed media back then, but much of what I was seeing was vintage or grunge, neither was where I wanted to go. I knew it would be abstract and textured. Somehow, this week I feel I am getting closer. Those darn baby steps take so long to get up to running. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this wild, bumpy, crazy ride.
So, take some time to look at some of these yummy textures....
Alright, I have to admit I did enjoy doing that larger of a canvas once it was finished. In fact today it was hard to go back to the smaller ones for my next project. This next week I am going to conquer my fear of collage.
See you on my next adventure.