Showing posts with label beading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beading. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

day 8 - TEXTURE!!

Day 8 of 200 - I wanted texture today and lots of it!

Part of me being a fiber artist is exploring new or different techniques.  Today I laid 4 pieces of wool yarn on a piece of water soluble interfacing and stitched all over.  Imagine stitching on air. 

After I washed away the stabilizer that was holding the stitches I placed it over a piece of black felt.

 The few stitches from the beading is holding this in place.  As you can see there is texture that I didn't want to capture it between glass.

So it is sitting in a frame without glass.  I'm so excited at how it turned out that I can see a few more of these in my future.

Any color suggestions??? - Judy

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hump Day Wednesday

Today was a hard one for me, I wasn't feeling too creative.
I started off in the sewing room and ended up sitting down and beading.  There are a few unfinished projects waiting for me to finish the beading.  So I am very happy to say I got this lovely broach finished.
This is a very large button covered with batik fabric, batting and beads.  It is from a class that I took at the Reno quilt show two weeks ago.

I have to tell you about the class I took with Ruthanne Hoffman from Hoffman Originals.
When I walked into the class I knew I recognized the instructors name, but couldn't figure why.  Several times during the class Ruth and I kept trying to figure out how we knew each other.  She recognized my face.  For three hours we worked on our pins learning lots of beading techniques.  I was in heaven.  I have been wanting to take a class on beading on fabric, even though I have several good books on it.

By the end of the class and all the students were gone, Ruth and I brainstormed of where we could have met. 
Now Wait, you are not going to believe this...
We know each other from Pinterest!!

Talk about a small world and we live only 2 hours away.  I am so glad to meet Ruth and learn how to make this beautiful pin.  Can't wait to start my next one.
If you want to get a kit for your own pin or want some wonderful beads, fibers and more, go to Hoffman Originals and say Hello to Ruth for me.
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wanted to try something new

Not that beading is new to me, but I have dabbled in beading in my past and I like to bead on my arts quilts but this week I took it to another step.

You know when you look on Pinterest and say I would really love to do this.  It was one of those moments.  In the back of my mind I have always wanted to do some kind of fabric inspired jewelry.  Now I can say I have tried.
Here is my first attempt at a fabric bead cuff.  Warning lots of pictures!

I tried to rotate it so you can see each side.
But let me tell you a little about this cuff...the base fabric is silk dupioni sewn to a piece of Timtex, then needle felted with my Babylock embellisher.  I couldn't stop there and needle felted a few pieces of teal yarn.  As far as the beading I went with my freefrom thought...random.
Do you know how hard that is?
So this is what it looks like.
But I wanted you to see it on.
My final thoughts on this cuff...I think I would make it narrower.  It is 1 1/2" wide before you put in the side beads, so my thoughts is to take it down to about an inch.  Might be super narrow to bead and could limit the freeform but I am open to trying again.  Maybe this time in orange.
Oh no! That mean bead shopping and I wonder if they make orange silk?
Well that will be another adventure,


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