My stash of Starbuck's coffee sleeves came in handy as I gleefully used it for the leaves and the buttons and then matted the gingham panel with kraft.
Found this PTI flower in my scrap pile so decided to use it, and I must say, I am truly beginning to love the PTI button dies! You can create a button in any colour you need and they have three great sizes to choose from. In retrospect, I should have punched out three buttons and layered them to give it a bit more dimension...lesson learned and to be applied next time I use them :) A tag, a butterfly and some ribbon called it a card.
Thanks for popping by today - always appreciate your visits :)

What's In It?
Stamps: Celebration of Thanks (Verve)
Paper: Stella Rose (MME), Kraft, Rose Red, Pretty in Pink Starbuck's Sleeve
Ink: Black, VersaMark
Accessories: Tag, Flower and Button Dies (PTI), Martha Stewart Butterfly Punch, Button, Twine, Ribbon, Dimensionals