
Viser opslag med etiketten spring. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten spring. Vis alle opslag

tirsdag den 15. marts 2016

TAGs in Envelopes by Dunja | Newport Collection

 Hi everyone!

this is Dunja here again and today is my turn at the Riddersholm Blog.  

So I would like to show you two tags in matching envelopes. The template for this is by Dutch Doobadoo and made super fastif you ever need a little something at the last minute - that's it ;)

♥    ♥

The images speak for themselves, right? :)

♥    ♥

I have created the tags and envelopes with the papers from the NEWPORT Collection of Riddersholm. I like this set very much :) The first tag is combined with the wood and purple color. 
I simply cut out a picture of a pattern sheet, some Mull and used Rhinestones.  
As i told you, it goes really quite quickly.

The second tag is designed similarly, but I have decided to do a variant of Easter.

♥    ♥

♥    ♥

Thank you so much for stopping by today. 
Have a wonderful day. If you have questions, please ask me ;)


torsdag den 10. marts 2016

Newport Easter/Spring Card

Today I want to show you this easter-card using design papers from the Newport Collection.
This collection is perfect for spring/summer projects and i look forward to work with 
these gorgeous papers in the coming months.

Newport Easter/Spring Card

I have used Clear Glitter-glass on the nest. Chipboard is a Wycinanka.

Ink-it flower, hydrangea, sweetheart blossoms, feathers, twine and silk ribbon

The butterfly I have cut out and given some Clear Glitter-glass on its wings.

The birdhouse is made in a silicone mould from the shop.

The Easter-bunny is stamped.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit here at the Riddersholm Design blog.
Have a nice day.


tirsdag den 13. januar 2015

Shimmerz og stencils

Til min DT dag i dag, har jeg lavet et kort med Vintage Venture serien.
Så snart jeg er på den anden side af jul, trænger jeg altid til forår!
Så kortet er i lyse forårsfarver.
  Jeg har brugt kortbase, karton, papir, stencil og Shimmerz.
Jeg har brugt en spatel til at lave skyer, med hvid Shimmerz og stencil.
Derefter har jeg med en hård pensel påført lidt lyseblå Shimmerz rundt omkring på papiret.

Efter tørring er det dekoreret med tyl, washitape, scrappers-floss (fundet i gemmerne under oprydning!) Ink-it flowers, og halvperler. Hovedparten er fra Riddersholm Shoppen.
God fornøjelse, jeg håber i er blevet inspireret til bl.a. at prøve de lækre Shimmers farver... de matcher Riddersholm papiret så perfekt!

mandag den 7. april 2014

Birthday card in "spring colors"

This time, I have made a card in colors I love: Purple, lime and pink...this reminds me so much of spring!
I have the card-bace, paper from Chantilly Dawn, both sides and lime cardstock.
I have used different dies, from Memory Box and Spellbinders.
On the die and sticker-Hearts i have added som Martha Stewart glitter.
Flowers from Prima and Wild Orchid Crafts.
And a bit of twine and Swarowsky crystals to finish the card.
Hope you all have a nice week, and are enjoying the springtime :)