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Showing posts with label Poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poll. Show all posts

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Shout Out Sunday - Winners of Challenge #72 - Thinking of You

Happy June 1st!! 
Shout Out Sunday is here


Challenge #72 - Thinking of YOU!

Sherrie - Your pop up box card is amazing.  I have been wanting to make one of these for a while.  I just keep admiring the ones I see on Pinterest and Blogs.  Your is wonderful.  I LOVE all the flowers and the colors are WOW.

Be sure to Email me HERE for your prize and include the Challenge number in your email.

Visit tomorrow for Make a Card Monday...

Weekly Reminders
  Submit your project for Challenge #74 HERE by Friday, June 6th Midnight (PST)
Voting ends for Challenge #73 HERE. on Friday, June 6th Midnight (PST)
Enter your name for Freebie Friday #21  will close on Friday, June 6th at Midnight PST
Freebie Friday #22 will OPEN on June 6th.
Freebie Friday #21 Winner Announced Saturday, June 7th along with the New Challenge
Two weeks is too long for Freebie Friday... eeekkk... It will go back to weekly but will stay open for a week instead of just 24 hours.
WINNER Announcement - Sunday, June 8th for Challenge #73

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What do you make with your Paper? - Wednesday Poll

Happy Wednesday Friends,

Here is a fun question.

What do you use your Paper to make?

Are you a Card Maker? 

A Scrapbooker?

A Paper Engineer (projects)?

A little of everything?  A lot of Everything? Or are you like me and tend to just like to look at it in your craft area. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Freebie Friday - #21 - Echo Park paper pad

Freebie Friday is HERE!!

Happy Friday everyone!

Today I have this adorable ECHO PARK paper pad up for grabs.  FREE!!

This Paradise Beach Paper Pad always reminds me of our summers at the beach with the kids.

I have added a new fun element to the Freebie Friday giveaway requirement... but trust me, It's EASY and FUN!!

See the POLL below?  
Take the POLL... super EASY!  and FUN!  

I am all about the FUN.  We have so many things bouncing off us on a daily basis that are not the FUN word.  When it comes to Playing with Paper... I want it to be FUN and Stress-Free!

Also, Freebie Friday will be open for 2 weeks now!  
That right, 2 Weeks!

You have more time to enter and more time to tell all your friends.  See the new button to the RIGHT!  I would love it if you would share it on your blog, Facebook, or even a Post.

Hint Hint:  I think it would look lovely on your Challenge submission blog post. {insert blushing smile here}

Freebie Friday - How to Play:

  • Leave a comment
  • Vote for your favorite project from Challenge #71
  • Take the Poll
  • Extra Happiness - Share the Freebie Friday Button on your social site.

What is your Favorite PICNIC food? free polls 

Sorry - Had to change the POLL provider.  Blogger was not working for me.

The Poll will remain at the bottom of the page until it closes.  I have decided that the Featured Product series was not FUN for most, so The Poll is replacing it!  Hope you like this better.

Weekly Reminders
Freebie Friday #21 will close on Friday, June 6th at Midnight PST
Voting for Challenge #71 will close tonight at Midnight PST
Challenge #72 submission entry will close tonight at Midnight PST
WINNER Announcement - Sunday, May 25th.  Challenge #71 
New Challenge tomorrow - Challenge #73 - Spa Day