Showing posts with label Food - Dessert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food - Dessert. Show all posts

Singapore’s biggest Starbucks Reserve Coffee Bar @ Jewel Changi Singapore

這裏除了紐約的Shake Shack, 倫敦的Burger & Lobster (5月20日開張), 還有其他備受歡迎的餐飲連鎖店.




整體看起來就是很high class的那種coffee bar

這裏提供了手製咖啡如Chemex, Pour Over, Shipon Brew和Coffee Press.
是2015-2017 WBC世界盃咖啡大師競賽指定機,
沖泡頭溫控制設計首創三維PID溫控系統, 確保每一滴萃取咖啡的熱水, 保持在最精準的溫度.
來這裡當然不會點平常外面能喝的, 於是我跟表妹就點了
Cold Brew Float $12.20
Classic Affogato $10.20 (不太能喝苦的, 記得要點 House Affogato)

有興趣想喝Nitro Flat White,Nitro Caramel Macchiato,Nitro Tropical Fruit Tea和Nitro Green Tea Latte都可以來這裏品嚐

Location : #02-204 Jewel Changi Singapore

閒悠悠 @ Lola's Cafe, Singapore

人家都說這裡吃早餐很划算, 因為沒有GST


Macha Green Tea Latte - $5 

Organic Chai Tea Latte - $5
Chai 在許多歐亞語言中具有"茶" 的意思, 材料包含綠色小荳蔻荚, 肉桂, 丁香粉, 姜, 黑胡椒,所以味道辛辣濃郁

Truffle Mushroom Toast - $12 - 推薦!
Brioche Toast, Truffle Cream Mushroom, Mozzarella Cheese, Onions, Pickled Red Raddish, Mesclun, Sunny Side Egg, Feta Crumbles

Avocado Eggs Benedict - $14 Brioche Bread, Avocado, Poached Eggs, Pork Ham, Hollandaise Sauce, Mesclun & Lemon Dressing

Seasalt Chocolate Tart with Coffee Cream $5 - 推薦!
Dark Chocolate Ganache, Bailey, Espresso & Sea Salt

要是沒顧客, 坐在這裡發呆也不錯

Honey Paprika Crispy Wings ($10) & Pulled pork burger with purple slaw ($16)

Phone : +65-6284 0349
Address : 5 Simon Rd, Singapore

Full Menu 

女人的誘惑 @ Lady M Confections - Marina Square, Singapore

先是紐約知名蛋糕店 - Lady M Confections
然後是美國著名甜甜圈 - Krispy Kreme,
再來是澳洲著名手工麵包 Becasse Bakery & "可頌甜甜圈” - Cronuts
如果你是sweet tooth, 那就千萬不要錯過了! 

Lady M 本身就有一個具有浪漫主義的名字, 
簡單的線條及金屬原色把她襯托得与人不同, 感覺優雅高貴
看著那甜點皆有著秀氣造形和細膩口感, 最容易征服女人的心

Gâteau aux Marrons
Delicate with a fine crumb, two layers of almond flour cake hug a soft whipped cream center. Crosshatch pipings of chestnut-infused cream, lush and true to flavor, graces the entire surface of the gâteau. For an elegant finish, roasted walnuts and snow sugar.

Banana Mille Feuille
A gorgeous composition of flaky, golden puff pastry, whipped cream kissed with just a touch of triple sec, layers of vanilla sponge cake and perfectly ripe bananas

Tarte aux Fruits
Classic shortbread crust, buttery and crisp, meets an almond financier base, vanilla custard and a striking mélange of ripe seasonal berries and fresh fruit. Think sweet kiwi fruits, blueberries, mangoes, and strawberries to name a few

Tarte a la Mangue
Fresh mangoes and tropical passion fruit make a swoon worthy pairing in Lady M’s Tarte a la Mangue. Our classic shortbread crust is filled with tangy passion fruit curd and topped with supple slices of sweet mangoes, perfectly ripe and juicy.

Strawberry Mille Feuille
Perfect layers of delicate and flaky puff pastry, fresh whipped cream with a just hint of kirsch, our irresistible sponge cake and subtle slips of strawberry jam and fresh strawberries tucked between the cream

香檳 - $20/glass

Strawberry Mille Feuille - 推薦! 酥脆的外層配著清爽軟綿綿的奶油& 新鮮的草莓, 口感清新特別!

Gâteau Nuage - 推薦! 特製的Cheesecake, 表層覆蓋著一層Sour Cream, 口感甜中帶著微酸, 吃多了也不覺得膩
Translates to “cloud cake,” and that’s exactly what this sophisticated version of the classic cheesecakes offers. Cinnamon-kissed graham cracker crust meets an airy whipped cheesecake base. At the top, a thin layer of sweetened sour cream – silky finish to a perfect cheesecake.

價錢表 - 價錢是見仁見智; 說她貴, 人潮不斷客似云來

Website :
Address : Marina Square Shopping Mall #02-103, Singapore

High Society Mansion @ Scott Rd, Singapore

Mandy & Esther大量掃貨,
而我呢? 卻一樣也沒買到!
顯了咯~~ 把自己吃到那麼肥, 現在要怨誰好?

orchard 097
心情down的時候, 吃甜點准沒錯
orchard 099
看著五彩繽紛的Macaroon, 心情有好點, 可是我并不愛它
orchard 124
orchard 081
Double Chocolate 
orchard 118
Maybe Amor - Chocolate Raspberry
orchard 082
Haute - Vanilla Lemon
orchard 115
Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberries Kirsh Sable) - $12
orchard 066
Passion - Pistachio Raspberry 
orchard 077
Fantasy - Green Tea Passion Fruit 
orchard 075
A LOVE so Beautiful - Cream base cheese base berry compote 
orchard 071
Flirt Coffee 
orchard 068
Fragolamico (Strawberry Balsamico) - $9
orchard 062
Choc Au Tart - Dark Chocolate Hazelnut & Orange Ganache 
orchard 057
因為要吃飯的關係, 所以她們都點了喝的
Coffee Caramel - $9
orchard 110
English Breakfast - $8
orchard 108
orchard 106
Choc Au Tart - $11.20 - 推薦! 濃郁的巧克力 & 酥脆的塔皮甜蜜滋味讓人無法抗拒
orchard 095

Phone : +65-6688 7522
Address : #01-01/03, #02-10/15, AT Pacific Plaza, Singapore

嫩草配黑丸 @ Black Ball (黑丸嫩仙草) - The Star Vista, Singapore

在KL的時候就看到很多部落客介紹 《黑丸》 嫩仙草,
要不是表妹堅持要吃,我想他還在KIV list排隊!
bouno 062
由於裡頭的位子有限, 如果沒下雨也可以選戶外的位子
bouno 063
你準備好要接受挑戰嗎? 冷, 熱, 燒,冰沙都會讓你有不同口感, 一試難忘
bouno 065
我們選了招牌 - 大黑丸冰沙 - $4.90 - 推薦!  它是由仙草冰沙、嫩仙草、手工芋丸、地瓜丸、新鲜红豆及QQ珍珠
bouno 066
嫩仙草- 采用台湾关西出产的仙草干以慢火熬制而成,其口感顺滑还有淡淡的回甘仙草香
手工芋丸 - Q而飽滿, 淡淡的芋頭香
金薯丸- 番薯香比芋Q濃, 微甜.
粉圓- 又稱珍珠, 是台灣甜品的原料之一; 自從吃過爆漿珍珠,我比較喜歡後者
bouno 068
bouno 061

Phone : +65-66943070
Address : #02-14/15, The Star Vista, Singapore
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