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Showing posts with label dunedh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dunedh. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Rionnaird tri-nard

Rionnaird tri-nard (RUN-ard tree-nard), traditional Irish quatrain 
form with 6-syllable lines ending in 2-syllable words, 
L2 and L4 riming and L3 in consonance thereto (meaning in this case, 
I gather, vowel-agreement rather than consonant-agreement, 
having at one time meant the same thing as assonance), 
alliteration in every line (ideally between the end-word and the 
preceding stressed word), two cross-rimes in the 2nd couplet,
and the 1st stressed word of L2 alliterating with the last syllable of L1.
 Being Irish, it requires the dunedh, to end where it began 
(first word, phrase, or line repeated in closing). 

Example Poem


Inviting just by sight,
almost tinsel trapping,
stilletoed toes tripping,
in her sheer hose wrapping.

She's surely sensuous;
Suggests sex is waiting,
waits while will is wilting.
Still fates are Inviting.

(c) Lawrencealot - May 17, 2012

Visual Template

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rannaigheacht bheag (ran-á-yah voig)

A traditional Irish quatrain of 7-syllable lines ('old-school'),
 or 8-6-8-6, ending in 2-syllable words all linked by consonance 
(in its old meaning, 'having the same vowels'),
 with at least two cross-rimes in each couplet
 (can be consonance in first but should be rime in second) 
and alliteration in every line, which in the second couplet
 must be between the last two stressed words in each line, 
and with the dunedh, of course (ending in the same word, phrase,
 or line it began with).

Poem Example

Ron-a'yach Rhyme

Writing rhyming words, giving
living lines, fit for fighting
biting boredom while living
in style with witty writing.

 (c) Lawrencealot - May 16,2012

Visual Template

As with the other Irish forms, a template can show you the syllable count and a bit more, but cannot be definitive as so much variation
is possible while meeting the formal  requirements.
In the example below some words not hi-lighted could have been as serving one or more rules.

Rannaigheacht mhor (ron-á-yach voor)

Rannaigheacht mhor (ron-á-yach voor, the ‘great versification’) is an ancient Irish quatrain using 7-syllable lines with 1-syllable end-words rimed ababa-rime can be assonance, but b-rime must be rime, here meaning perfect ‘correspondence’ or Comharda, in which consonants of the same class (p-t-k, m-n-ng etc.) are interchangeable—plus alliteration in every line—preferably between end-word and preceding stressed word (always thus in each quatrain’s closing couplet)—with at least two cross-rimes per couplet (assonance okay in leading couplets), one being L3’s end-word rimed within L4.  Being Irish, it requires the dunedh(first word, phrase, or line repeated in closing).  Each quatrain, as well as each leading couplet, must be able to stand on its own.  Modern specs for this form are given here:

Example Poem

Great Versifiers

Men sometimes are dreamers, lost,
lust-driven schemers who, when
hunting, deceive.  With trust  tossed
at great cost; none believe men.

(c) Lawrencealot - May 16, 2012

No template can be more than a rough guide, but here one is:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rionnaird tri-nard (RUN-ard tree-nard)

Rionnaird tri-nard (RUN-ard tree-nard), traditional Irish quatrain 
form with 6-syllable lines ending in 2-syllable words, 
L2 and L4 riming and L3 in consonance thereto (meaning in this case, 
I gather, vowel-agreement rather than consonant-agreement, 
having at one time meant the same thing as assonance), 
alliteration in every line (ideally between the end-word and the 
preceding stressed word), two cross-rimes in the 2nd couplet,
and the 1st stressed word of L2 alliterating with the last syllable of L1.
 Being Irish, it requires the dunedh, to end where it began 
(first word, phrase, or line repeated in closing). 
Example Poem


Inviting just by sight,
almost tinsel trapping,
stilletoed toes tripping,
in her sheer hose wrapping.
She's surely sensuous;
Suggests sex is waiting,
waits while will is wilting.
Still fates are Inviting.

(c) Lawrencealot - May 17, 2012

Visual Template
I see here now that I have failed, if indeed every line
is to end in two-syllable words.  Ah well, close.