Created by Shelley A. Cephas
A 14-line poem made up of four three-line verses and one rhyming couplet.
Meter: iambic tetrameter or iambic pentameter.
Each 3 line verse is an unrhymed triplet, but there is rhyming between the stanzas..
2 rhyme schemes: abc abc abc abc dd or abc cba abc cba dd
Example Poem
Little Brick Library
When I was young, and that means wee,
My nearby library did astound.
I started stopping every day.
I'd roam the shelves from about three
'til five o'clock or 'til I'd found
one book I could not put away.
It was wonderful they were free;
the best resource that I had found
and books had so darn much to say.
This was long 'fore girls intrigued me.
The building was a good friend found,
where I'd rather hang-out than play.
Those short years opened wide the door.
to much I still plan to explore.
(c) Lawrencealot - May 4, 2012
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