This is a form invented by Mark Andrew J Terry
These are the requirements of this form:
Rhyme Pattern: aabb
Meter: None specified.
Couplet One:
Every word in the first line should rhyme with the corresponding word in line 2
Except for one word; those words must have contrary meanings, but same syllable count.
It can be expanded as far as you wish.
These are the requirements for a Sestet:
Rhyme Pattern: aabbcc
Meter: None specified.
Couplet One and Two:
Every word in the first line should rhyme with the corresponding word in line 2
Except for one word; those words must have contrary meanings, but same syllable count
Couplet Three:
Ends with mirrored rhyme, but also has internal rhyme
Example Poem
Party Time
Alluring tart proffering wile.
Demurring lass deferring guile.
Bewitching twit assures relief.
Enriching wit insures belief.
No way to stay the party game.
I'll try to buy the hearty dame.
© Lawrencealot - May 27, 2012
Visual Template