BASIC FORM: The Lilibonelle was created by
Sol Magazine editor, Bonnie Williams.
It is:
Stanzaic: Consisting of at least 4 stanza
Syllabic: Lines
may be of unequal, unspecified length
Refrain: The
nth line of the 1st stanza must be the first line of the nth stanza.
Meter is optional and encouraged.
Rhyme is optional and encouraged.
Theme: One
should use an introspective or reflective theme with this form, one that
conveys a loving, wistful or poignant feeling,
Those are ALL of the Requirements, although I have
found on at least two other sites statements indicated that a specific (though differing) rhyme scheme is required.
I have posted Bonnie Williams on poem (which is
rhymed, but not metered) and her explanation of the form below.
-- Larry Eberhart, penning on as
following by Bonnie Williams
BASIC FORM: The Lilibonelle was created by
Sol Magazine editor, Bonnie Williams.
The basic form is four stanzas of four lines each, in
which each line of the first stanza is consecutively repeated as the first line
of each of the other stanzas, and allows for a variation where an extra final
line may be included.
Use an introspective or reflective theme with this
form, one that conveys a loving, wistful or poignant feeling.
Poets must use the basic form for poems entered into
competition at Sol Magazine unless a notation to the contrary is made within
the contest notes.
EXPANDED FORM: As long as there are a minimum of
four lines and four stanzas, and the lines of the first stanza are used as the
opening lines of the successive stanzas, the poem may be considered a
Poets are
encouraged to play with rhyme schemes, rhythm, repeated ending line, or other
creative twists.
If there are
five stanzas, use five lines per stanza. If six stanzas, use six lines
per stanza. In any case, poets may always end the final stanza with an
extra line.
Stanza 1 line 1
Stanza 1 line 2
Stanza 1 line 3
Stanza 1 line 4
Stanza 2 line 1 repeats Stanza 1 line 2
Stanza 2 line 2
Stanza 2 line 3
Stanza 2 line 4
Stanza 3 line 1 repeats Stanza 1 line 3
Stanza 3 line 2
Stanza 3 line 3
Stanza 3 line 4
Stanza 4 line 1 repeats Stanza 1 line 4
Stanza 4 line 2
Stanza 4 line 3
Stanza 4 line 4
Example of the Basic Form:
that sweet ringing of early
alights my eyes and thrills my
a wealth of love enveloping
filling my heart making me whole
alights my eyes and thrills my
a warmth encircling from heart to
trembling hearing soft sweet
the melodies of loving shows
a wealth of love enveloping
treasure beyond compare
when holding warm and near like
much closer than the air
filling my heart and making me
a passion so deep we have
our love will last
as sweet ringings open each morn…
Bonnie Williams, Deptford, NJ,
The following essay
compare the Lilibonelle and the Retourne
"Lilibonelle vs. Retourne"
an essay by Roy Schwartzman, Sol Magazine’s Forms
is a discussion of two similar yet distinct forms, the Lilibonelle and the
Retourne. The two forms operate in the same manner, with lines of
subsequent stanzas generated from lines of the first stanza. Typically
both forms begin with a Quatrain, with each line of the first Quatrain becoming
the first line of a subsequent Quatrain. Thus the Lilibonelle and the
Retourne look alike at this point, as the Sol
Magazine encyclopedia of poetry forms indicates:
1 line 1
1 line 2
1 line 3
1 line 4
2 line 1 repeats Stanza 1 line 2
2 line 2
2 line 3
2 line 4
3 line 1 repeats Stanza 1 line 3
3 line 2
3 line 3
3 line 4
4 line 1 repeats Stanza 1 line 4
4 line 2
4 line 3
4 line 4
Retourne, as the name indicates, is a French form. The Lilibonelle,
however, allows many more variations than the Retourne. A Lilibonelle has
no metrical restriction, but each line of a Retourne is in tetrameter, eight
syllables per line.
a Lilibonelle may consist of stanzas that contain any number of lines as long
all stanzas have the same number of lines and the lines of the first stanza are
repeated according to the specified pattern.
stanzas of Retournes are Quatrains, so a Retourne will have sixteen
lines. The Retourne is a more restrictive form, both metrically and in
length. Neither form requires a specific rhyme scheme.
might a poet select either or both these forms? The repetition of lines
from the initial stanza allows a single theme to be developed throughout the
poem. Since the lines appear in different stanzas, the same idea can
emerge in different senses as the poem develops. These forms also hold
the potential for the ideas in each line of the first stanza to be extended
later, gradually adding depth and complexity to the poem’s theme.
example poem: which is attempted in
iambic tetrameter, with my own rhyme pattern.
Dazed and
Comfortable (Lilibonelle)
I had my life all
figured out,
the girls were only
games to play.
But something
happened on the way,
and love changed
things, there is no doubt.
The girls were only
games to play
I thought before I
met Marie,
each night another
Whatever happened
was OK.
But something
happened on the way,
I'm caught, and
don't want to be free.
That cannot be, it's just not me!
My blacks and whites
have turned to grey.
And love changed
things, there is no doubt.
Marie's now what my
life's about.
And planning now
must play a role
for her happiness is
my goal.
© Lawrencealot -
December 3, 2013
visual template used for the above poem.
neither the meter, the line length, nor the rhyme pattern is required.