A Villonnet is a
hybrid of the Villanelle and the Sonnet. It has the Iambic Pentameter of both,
but holds the four-stanza/line structure of the sonnet, while utilizing the
two-line rhyme nature of the villanelle. The final stanza replaces the sonnet
couplet with a typical villanelle tercet.
The Villonnet is another hybrid form created by D. Allen Jenkins. This is a recent invented form
which is said to be a cross between a Villanelle andSonnet.
The Villonet is:
- a poem in 15 lines, made up of 3 quatrains followed by a tercet.
- metric, iambic pentameter.
- rhymed, A¹bbA² cddc effe A¹bA² or A¹xxA² bxxb cxxc A¹xA² x being unrhymed.
- NOTE: Jenkins also used A1xxA2 axxA1 axxA2
- L1 is repeated as L13 and L4 is repeated as L15.
to Judi Van Gorder for the resource at PMO
in Love (Villonnet)
A spell was cast to
keep me from my bride
Our lives could not
be taken, we were changed;
Our molecules were
vastly rearranged.
And I could break
the spell if I but tried.
I metamorphed,
becoming half a man
My wizard gave
mobility to me,
and said, "You
must now find your sweetheart's tree.
Touch it and you'll
become as you began"
I searched the
valleys- climbed up many hill,
I followed rumors
sent from other trees;
and pheromones
relayed by helpful bees,
and when I found
her, she was lovely still.
A spell was cast to
keep me from my bride
The one who cast the
spell had been deranged
and I could break
the spell if I but tried.
© Lawrencealot -
Oct. 20, 2013
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