The deibhidhe is an Irish form. In English it is more often
spelt deibide, but you still have to pronounce it jayvee.
(The Irish language uses a lot of unlikely-looking clusters of consonants, and
most of them seem to be either pronounced as "v" or not pronounced at
all. Exercise: pronounce the name of the poet Medbh McGuckian.)
Here's a deibhidhe about the time I spent working in the oil
No, Watercolour...
Of a subject dire I sing:
Reservoir Engineering
I could never understand -
A queer and quaggy quicksand!
I was sent away to learn
About it in climes northern,
But while at Herriot-Watt
My zeal did not run riot.
All the years I worked in oil,
My conscience was in turmoil.
I floundered through the fog
Like a bogged-down wan warthog.
My colleagues would make a fuss.
Those strata - were they porous?
It bothered me not a whit
How the drill bit grey granite.
The mysteries of the rock
Made me feel like a pillock.
Underground movements of gas
Alas, my mind can’t compass.
I don’t work there any more,
Redundancy my saviour.
Not a tragedy at all -
A small but welcome windfall!
was a TV advert for an airline some years ago which featured the following
exchange between two passengers on a flight to Aberdeen. Large outgoing
American: "D'you work in oil?" Weedy-looking bespectacled Brit:
"No, watercolour." Hence the title. Herriot-Watt University is
situated near Edinburgh and offers week-long courses on such arcane subjects as
Reservoir Engineering, cleverly sugaring the pill by making them coincide with
the Edinburgh Festival.
As for the form, each stanza has 4 lines of 7 syllables
each, rhyming aabb, and both of these rhymes are deibide rhymes i.e. in the first line of each rhyming pair,
the rhyming syllable is stressed, and in the second it is unstressed.
The form also demands an aicill rhyme between lines 3 and 4 i.e. the word at the end of
line 3 rhymes with a word somewhere in the middle of line 4 (as whit/bit,
gas/alas above).
Finally, there must be alliteration between the last word of each stanza and the
preceding stressed word (as quaggy quicksand, welcome windfall above).
amounts to a lot of constraints for the fourth line to satisfy in the space of
only 7 syllables. I found this form a tough one, except when writing the last
stanza. Perhaps I was getting into the swing of it by then.
Thanks to Bob Newman
for his wonderful Volecentral resource site.
My example poem
Night Nymph (Deibhidhe)
I was mesmerized,
when she stood in
the entrance.
Just one glance at
her'd confur
instantly a pure
The nymph caused my
heart to sing
and set my nerves to
I viewed her in near
and dreamed she'd be
my mistress.
But it was not meant
to be,
this maiden oh so
for she was gone
with the sun
a nighttime visit
© Lawrencealot -
April 10, 2014
art by Herbert James
Draper [d. 1920]
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