Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts


yellow…as the happiness



better homes & gardens; design sponge; house to home


{love this space} off to bed

After long day filled with exercise with kids in between everyday errands, all I need is to get lost in white sheets surrounded by various pillows, knowing that the yellow accents will remind me in the morning to start the day happy and positive


via Elle Spain / spotted on The designer pad


when east meets west ** spoj istoka I zapada

Scandinavian style, design and interiors are always outstanding, and when you add a bit of your culture to the mix – the result is truly beautiful eclectic home full of personality. The main color is white, there are some black and colorful touches like yellow, pink or blue, but they don’t overwhelm the look. Plants and flowers give a romantic touch and bring extra coziness to the space. Storage solutions are smart, and simple solid color canvases make big impact on the space



mustard yellow ** senf žuta

Did you know that yellow is at the bottom on the list of peoples' favourite colour? Don't understand why. For me, it's a happy, cheery colour, full of positive energy.
It symbolizes the light and divine glory, as well as jealousy, envy and hate. How contradictious, right? It used to be symbol of quarantine through history.
I don't love all yellow shades though...I prefer warm yellows, especially mustard yellow. Looks great on clothes, and I love to see it in interiors - both in small or big doses.


inbox inspiration ** inspiracija iz sandučeta

via Color Chats, Triple Max Tons, Achados de Decoracao
  • You can't go wrong with favourite pattern on the wall or walls // Sa omiljenim dezenom na zidu, ne može se pogriješiti
  • Modern and functional room for three. Still, my favourite is colourful dot art. Future DIY? // moderna i funkcionalna dječija soba za troje. Pored svega, omiljena mi je umjetnost iznad krevetića - raznobojne tufne uvijek djeluju razdragano (a mogu biti i elegantne)
  • Happy, energizing, youthfull, fresh - is any space with yellow // uz ŽUTU svaki prostor je veseo, pozitivan, pun energije, mladalački i osvježavajući


{home tour} colonial vibes ** {moj stan} dodir kolonijalnog

 Although I know most of you already've seen these photos, I just had to post this home tour for its bright yellow accents and true eclectic style. or maybe more colonial?! natural mixed with modern creates a plyful space that's stylish and family friendly, too. This apartment looks more personalized than styled to me, and that's good. Any thoughts?
Iako sam sigurna da su mnogi već odavno vidjeli ove fotkice (i možda ih se zasitili), morala sam ih objaviti jer mi se suviše dopada kako je ovaj stančić uređen. Jarki žuti akcenti izgledaju fantastično u ovom omažu prirodi pomješanom sa elementima modernog. Prostor djeluje skladno a i pogodno za porodicu. POsebno mi se sviđa što ipak ovaj stan više dejluje karakterno nego stilizovano. Šta vi mislite?


pops of yellow ** detalji u žutom

via seventeen doors
 Add a pop of yellow for instant refreshment in your home. A few days ago I've learned that babies don't love yellow, it makes them cry. I wouldn't test it and paint kids room in yellow.
Give your home a bit of sunshine with yellow details and make everyone sigh when visiting you ** Nekoliko detalja u žutoj boji će odmah osvježiti prostoriju i podstaći dobro raspoloženje. Naučila sam prije par dana nešto novo iz psihologije boja - bebe i sasvim mala djeca je nikako ne vole, i mnogo plaču kada su okruženi sa dosta žute. Zato je bolje ne ispitivati da li je to istina i ne bojati dječije sobice u žuto. Umjereno sa žutom i pravi utisak neće izostati, prijatelji će se pitati šta ste to mijenjali da odjednom sve izgleda bolje, a vi im otkrijte tajnu - sunce je u vašem domu :)


{love this space} timeless living room ** vanvremenski moderna dnevna soba

I think this is perfect and timeless colour palette. Shades of gray with yellow and lots of pure white grounded with warm dark wood. Don't you think it's gorgeous? this room is work of art by Sarah Richardson


new year...fresh start...good resolutions / nova godina..novi početak sa dobrim odlukama

Don't mind the calendar and the fact that february just started and many of you forgot about new year's never too late for a fresh start. I'm sure the start of the new year symbolizes a fresh begginings to many of you. It's the perfect time to declutter your home and make room for all new
{Ne obraćajte pažnju na kalendar i činjenicu da je već počeo februar, da su mnogima odavno završeni razgovori o novogodišnjim odlukama...jer nikada nije kasno za novi list, za neke bitne odluke u svakodnevici. Sigurna sam da svima nova godina neminovno simbolizuje i nove početke, i dok smo još u prvom tromjesečju, idealno je vrijeme da pokrenete pozitivnu energiju kroz svoj dom, da prostor prodiše..da izbacite sve nepotrebno i stvorite prostor za nešto novo.}


PANTONE color for 2012 ... PANTONE boja 2012. godine

Every year Pantone reveals the color direction for interior design, fashion, cosmetics, and graphic design. Remember the color of 2011 - addictive Honeysuckle? For the upcoming year Pantone experts think we need to continue with bold, dramatic color as energy booster, so they chose an electric reddish orange hue named Tangerine Tango. Tangerines in my garden are exactly the same color this year :)


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