soften rough brick wall with white
random collection of inspirational images
{perfect home No. 34} Nordic maxi coloured
This lovely house features a different kind (my kind) of Nordic décor. It has a white background but it was only used to make the rest of the elements stand out. The huge blank canvas was filled with lots of colourful and vibrant details. Many different colors were combined but they were beautifully balanced. It’s interesting how each room or space has its own palette of colors. The kitchen is mostly white with black and ocher. Then the space continues into the living room where an entire wall was painted ochre. It was combined with turquoise and blue accents and a brown sofa and the contrast is quite beautiful. Adding purple to the palette starts in entryway and continues to the upstairs, where you climb on bright red stairs. Upstairs the palette is calmer, perfect for rest area. Exterior of the house is unspeakably lovely
industrial and modern whimsical loft
50 square meters can look enormous when there are no boundaries like walls. Brazilian interior designer Luiz Fernando Grabowsky prepared a loft installation for the Casa Cor exhibition, in Rio de Janeiro, to show how even limited footage can look versatile. Grabowsky designed a perfect flow between bedroom, living room and kitchen with dining area all in one space, with the bathroom as the only separated room. I love the industrial feel of the room with high ceilings, exposed brick walls and wood floors. Colour scheme with dominant combination of brown and orange creates an atmosphere of warmth and coziness, while the neutral white, black and gray grounds the space.
artistic home
Some photos of this home you’ve surely seen on the web, and you’re probably amazed by the beauty of the every inch of it. Some people have a talent to turn everything ordinary into extraordinary, beautiful, artistic and breathtaking. The mix of clean lines and cluttered corners is in perfect balance. Everyday objects are perceived like art itself, and the result is home easy to live in and interesting to look at.
area rug with navy stripes
there is something about those navy stripes on rugs that I can’t resist… Maybe I prefer more geometrical pattern, but stripes are timeless, don’t you think?
elegant white apartment ** elegancija u bijelom
The reason for second all white apartment today is to show how mostly the same features can create totally different style. Here again every big surface is white, with some high gloss finishes for reflection of light. Added color is even more subtle- light grey and creamy whites -to create elegant and sophisticated ambient.
subtle hue in 31m2 studio ** suptilne nijanse u garsonjeri od 31m2
Purified interior with simple forms and only essential furniture. In small open spaces like this, kitchen should blend in the rest of the room. Backsplash is an accent wall at the same time, providing depth in the all white room. Every big surface is white creating ethereal yet cozy place for living
modern family apartment in Warsaw ** moderan porodični stan u Varšavi
home full of energy and colour ** dom pun boja i energije
As it can be seen on the plan functionality was more important than tradition. They gained space with a gallery above the bathrooms, extra light and sights with the inner windows. All white makes the apartment look brighter and bigger, as well as shiny surfaces do. The coloured mood lighting makes the focal point and it was based on their own design, using glass of various colours and LEDs.
Stan u Budimpešti, veličine skoro 70 kvadratnih metara, bio je u veoma lošem stanju kada su ga sadašnji vlasnici ugledali. Ipak, uspjeli su da uoče potencijal. Vrlo neobičan oblik stana je bio izazov za organizovanje, ali je i nagovještavao zanimljiv rezultat. S obzirom da je originalno stan bio prilično mračan, vlasnici su odlučili ispuniti ga bjelinom i reflektujućim, sjajnim površinama, što je doprinijelo sada prozračnoj, svijetloj i prijatnoj atmosferi. Da bi izbjegli sterilnost, prostor su akcentovali jarkim bojama, pa sve odiše razigranošću i pozitivnom energijom.
fall/winter style: exposed brick ** jesen/zima inspiracija: zid od cigle
God, how I missed this blog...and writing...inspirational photos...and all of your blogs I love to read
Finally, I have a new computer since yesterday, is there anybody who can imagine my happiness...after using the huge one for nine and half years?!
I was quite busy for these two months (well, who wasn't?) and I won't bother you about that. Let's get right to my inspiration these days. Exposed brick :)
Totally fall/winter style. Painted or natural, it is unbelievable gorgeous! gereat focal point, makes a dramatic statement, adds a sense of warmth and texture to a space, and I love how the light can cast a range of shadows that make the most of the texture and colors in the brick.
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Ashleigh Weatherill |
inbox inspiration ** inspiracija iz sandučeta
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via Color Chats, Triple Max Tons, Achados de Decoracao |
- You can't go wrong with favourite pattern on the wall or walls // Sa omiljenim dezenom na zidu, ne može se pogriješiti
- Modern and functional room for three. Still, my favourite is colourful dot art. Future DIY? // moderna i funkcionalna dječija soba za troje. Pored svega, omiljena mi je umjetnost iznad krevetića - raznobojne tufne uvijek djeluju razdragano (a mogu biti i elegantne)
- Happy, energizing, youthfull, fresh - is any space with yellow // uz ŽUTU svaki prostor je veseo, pozitivan, pun energije, mladalački i osvježavajući
35 ideas to camouflage your TV ** kamuflirajte televizor
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glorily and jeremy's evolving wicker park victorian via ApartmentTherapy |
Televizori su neminovnost, da ne kažem - neophodnost, u današnje vrijeme. Lično nisam vidjela dom bez tv, i mogu zaključiti samo da smo postali rob te čarobne spravice sa pokretnim slikama. U nekom svom tinejdžerskom dobu, kada je svašta tutnjalo na Balkanu, sa mamom i sestrama sam bojkotovala televizor nekoliko godina. Neopisivo smo se zbližile, i tada sam naučila da riječ 'dosadno' ne smije da postoji u riječniku. Sada, tv je prečesto uključen, i pošto znam da ga ne mogu izbaciti iz stana, mogu ga kamuflirati. Na internetu sam skupila nekoliko ideja za uspješno i povoljno kamufliranje televizora, a da se ne prave posebni ormarići sa vratima ili tajni prostori u zidu. Srećom, savremeni televizori se većinom montiraju na zid poput slike, a mogu čak i da izgledaju kao slika.
Šta možete uraditi da tv ne bude prvo što se uoči u sobi?
timeless living and dining room ** vanvremenska dnevna soba i trpezarija
tell me, is that the TV above the sofa?
interior design by Sarah Richardson
Sjećate li se ove dnevne sobe sa žutim akcentima i drvetom u boji mahagonija? nadam se da želite da vidite i ostatak prostorije...dnevna soba i trpezarija čine cjelinu a odmah do njih je i kuhinja. Suvišno je ponavljati koliko mi se sviđa atmosfera prve polovine XX vijeka
da li se i vama čini da je na zidu iznad sofe TV?
{7 smart furniture pieces} BENCH ** {7 'pametnih' komada namještaja} KLUPA
{Treći od 7 odabranih kameleonskih komada namještaja koji pristaju svakoj prostoriji i raznim namjenama i koji po potrebi mogu mjenjati svoju svrhu. Investicija u njih se višestruko isplati, zato treba imati u svom domu takve komade da spoje funkcionalnost i estetiku. Kupivši jedan ovakav dio namještaja, ne možete pogriješiti, jer ćete biti u mogućnosti da često mjenjate svoj enterijer samo njegovim premještanjem i kombinovanjem.
Čitaj dalje za više inspiracije}
Today I bring you the third out of seven versatile furniture items that promises flexible serviceability in a range of styles and price. When investing in your home, look to these multitasking pieces to bridge the gap between decorative and functional with ease. When you buy furniture pieces like this you can't go wrong, as you'll be able to constantly change your interior by rearranging and combining them in different rooms and styles
continue reading for more inspiration
perfect home no.29 ** savršen dom br.29
my living room ** moja dnevna soba
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skona hem |
mmmm...not quite (not at all), but this photo I found yesterday shows exactly what I have in mind for my living/family room. I couldn't believe I found a space almost to the details true to my sketches. I didn't show them, nore I will, as this is the only thing I am supersticious about. Hope eventually my room will look like this. We're selling our old sofa, and will have a hand-me-down blue sofa (not as pretty as this one, but it can be adorable)
My husband will love a room like this, I know for sure, and that's my main goal - to make us both happy regarding room design and functionality ** hm, nije baš moja soba, ali je skoro pa identična mojim nacrtima...jer uskoro dobijamo plavu sofu, pa sam razmišljala kako je istaći na pravi način. Ono što je sigurno, je da bi i moj muž uživao u ovakvoj dnevnoj sobi, što mi je i bio glavni cilj...da oboje budemo srećni izgledom i funkcionalnošću.
{perfect home no.27} Tim Lam's of Design Maze ** savršen dom br.27
Jedan od meni omiljenih stanova je krajnje zanimljiv i vedar dom Tim Lama, autora bloga Design Maze. Oduševljava me njegov smisao za lijepo, i spremnost na rušenje svih "dizajnerskih pravila" (koja stvarno ne postoje). Kombinacije dezena, boja, tekstura i oblika stvorila je dinamičan prostor od kojeg meni zaigra srce. Prije nekoliko mjeseci Tim je preuredio svoj dnevni boravak i pretvorio ga u malo "zreliji" prostor...i podjednako mi se sviđa. Obavezno pogledajte više slika na blogu, kao i prvobitnu transformaciju