Showing posts with label photographers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photographers. Show all posts


perfect home no.6 ** savršen dom br.6

This unbelievable stylish and vivid apartment was designed by antiques dealer Florence Lopez. She implemented colors, furniture and vintage forms like it was from '50s. Gorgeous colors like petroleum blue, grass green, mustard yellow, charcoal grey makes me covet for interior like this. Well, when put it all together - this should be my personal home decorating style {although I love too many different eras}...and I believe it is, because in a place like this I'd feel AT HOME! I wear these colors, why shouldn't I live surrounded by them? although sometimes all I want is soothing, neutral palette around me. Anyway...enough about me, I could chit chat like this for hours... :)
Let's enjoy the beauty of this home
home of FlorenceLopez via design crisis


photographers... Per Gunnarsson

Let me present you Per Gunnarsson, photographer who works for IKEALivingetcSkona HemELLE Interior...and many more
He knows how to represent beautiful scandinavian interiors. I love his approach, like he unintendedly catches everyday life, showing how livable white or gray interiors can be..
Interior designer Ulrika Montan (about her,some other time)..
designer Daniel Bergman


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