I don’t mind, as long as there are some iconic or classic pieces like Eames rocking chair, or caramel leather sofa. If you add to it a charming nursery corner or dining area, some geometric patterns and whimsical prints – I want to move right in.
Showing posts with label brown sofa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brown sofa. Show all posts
perfect home no.29 ** savršen dom br.29
It's not quite spring-y interior for this time of year, but I find it beautiful and sophisticated. Grey and brown together with carefuly chosen details create cozy and elegant space. Glamorous furniture looks good and more casual paired with mdf coffee tables or clear fiberglass side table, industrial lighting and oversized letters. Looking at this home, seems so easy to achieve harmony with diferent interior design styles ** Predstavljeni ambijent baš i nije proljećni, ali mi se jako dopada suptilna sofisticiranost koja je postignuta u ovoj simpatičnoj kućici. Topao i elegantan enterijer stvoren je kombinacijom sive i braon boje kao i pažljivim izborom detalja. Iako je očigledna ljubav prema stilskom namještaju, tu se odlično uklapaju stočići od medijapana i stočić od fiberglasa, predimenzionirana slova i industrijski luster u trpezariji. Djeluje kao da je tako lako postići harmoniju mješavinom stilova u uređenju enterijera.
{home tour} perfect mix of styles ** {moj stan} savršena mješavina stilova
This home is so good looking, I had to re-blog it. I was drawn by it's contemporary - vintage flair, and I love the overall colour palette. You can't go wrong with natural colours, and to create personality add some spice (like the mustard Eams chairs) and favourite accent colour like pink, yellow and turquoise. Chalkboard wall gives this space depth and looks great in dining area. Combination of some elements is so natural, like they have always meant to be together. Mix of different styles is just right. I tried to find favourite element of this home, but I couldn't as every bit of it speaks right to my heart.
monday home tour: hot colors for fall {jedan dom: tople boje za jesen}
After loong break due to family obligations and finishing preparations for a baby, I hope to be regular on posting again. And what's better to start with but the sunny apartment with striking orange kitchen? (I would be very happy in it)
{eto, nakon ponovne pauze, nadam se da se vraćam regularnom pisanju. nadam se, jer mi ovo pričinjava veliko zadovoljstvo i žao mi je kada ne mogu da postignem pored porodičnih obaveza i posla...a uskoro stiže i novi član porodice :)
I čime je bolje opet početi, nego obilaskom sunčanog stana koji u sebi spaja klasičan namještaj sa retro bojama i detaljima u stanu...}
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