This lovely house features a different kind (my kind) of Nordic décor. It has a white background but it was only used to make the rest of the elements stand out. The huge blank canvas was filled with lots of colourful and vibrant details. Many different colors were combined but they were beautifully balanced. It’s interesting how each room or space has its own palette of colors. The kitchen is mostly white with black and ocher. Then the space continues into the living room where an entire wall was painted ochre. It was combined with turquoise and blue accents and a brown sofa and the contrast is quite beautiful. Adding purple to the palette starts in entryway and continues to the upstairs, where you climb on bright red stairs. Upstairs the palette is calmer, perfect for rest area. Exterior of the house is unspeakably lovely
colourful rented apartment for family
Family living and bright colours are the main focus in this rental apartment. The strong colour palette kicks you right as you enter the apartment. Green, yellow, pink and blue may seem like an overwhelming colour choice for many, but the owner have combined the colors, so it all still works quite stylish. Whole space feels energized, youthful and happy. I dig the entrance, dining corner in the kitchen and small bedroom in red. If you want your space to be modern and affordable, this is the style you should be going for.
{home tour} narrow apartment with amazing solutions
size: 59m2 (640sf)
Another example of well organized apartment full of storage space without feeling cramped. Everything is special about this home, especially the fact there lives the family of four. My thought at first glance on the footage (640sf) was “so what? I know dozens of dozens families living in apartments that big or smaller!” … but the odd, unusual and unpractical layout makes it even more challenging and special. Noroof architects are creators of amazing solution for the space, inspired by the boys wish to be like a pirate ship. They sure did a fantastic job with hidden compartments all over the space and with flexible furniture. take a good look
artistic home
Some photos of this home you’ve surely seen on the web, and you’re probably amazed by the beauty of the every inch of it. Some people have a talent to turn everything ordinary into extraordinary, beautiful, artistic and breathtaking. The mix of clean lines and cluttered corners is in perfect balance. Everyday objects are perceived like art itself, and the result is home easy to live in and interesting to look at.
when east meets west ** spoj istoka I zapada
Scandinavian style, design and interiors are always outstanding, and when you add a bit of your culture to the mix – the result is truly beautiful eclectic home full of personality. The main color is white, there are some black and colorful touches like yellow, pink or blue, but they don’t overwhelm the look. Plants and flowers give a romantic touch and bring extra coziness to the space. Storage solutions are smart, and simple solid color canvases make big impact on the space
modern family apartment in Warsaw ** moderan porodični stan u Varšavi
my living room ** moja dnevna soba
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skona hem |
mmmm...not quite (not at all), but this photo I found yesterday shows exactly what I have in mind for my living/family room. I couldn't believe I found a space almost to the details true to my sketches. I didn't show them, nore I will, as this is the only thing I am supersticious about. Hope eventually my room will look like this. We're selling our old sofa, and will have a hand-me-down blue sofa (not as pretty as this one, but it can be adorable)
My husband will love a room like this, I know for sure, and that's my main goal - to make us both happy regarding room design and functionality ** hm, nije baš moja soba, ali je skoro pa identična mojim nacrtima...jer uskoro dobijamo plavu sofu, pa sam razmišljala kako je istaći na pravi način. Ono što je sigurno, je da bi i moj muž uživao u ovakvoj dnevnoj sobi, što mi je i bio glavni cilj...da oboje budemo srećni izgledom i funkcionalnošću.
{e-design} family friendly small apartment ** mali stan prilagođen mladoj porodici
I was hired to help organize a 48m2 small apartment. Kitchen, dining area and living room are in one space, with one short interior wall between the kitchen and dining area. Tiny area should cover several diferent functions. Small working spot with a computer had to be included in the living room, and finding the way to organize large amount of books, magazines and plenty of family memories. The space had to be safe and functional for a little girl with enough toy storage. Client wanted natural pastel colours and romantic shabby cottage style. ** Pozvana sam da pomognem u boljoj organizaciji malog stana od 48m2 u potkrovlju. Kuhinja, trpezarijski dio i dnevna soba čine jednu cjelinu, a granicu kuhinje i ostatka dnevnog prostora čini pregradni zid visine 1m. U taj isti prostor trebalo je smjestiti i radni kutak, odnosno mjesto za kompjuter i najbolje moguće iskoristiti raspoloživi prostor za knjige, magazine, mnogo porodičnih fotografija i dragocjenih detalja. Izazov je bio i kako stvoriti ujedinjen prostor pogodan i siguran za malo dijete, kao i mjesto za sve djetetove igračke a da ne preovladaju. Jedan tako mali prostor je morao u sebi objediniti mnogo funkcija.
Klijenti su željeli prirodne, nježne boje, i seoski shabby način uređenja sa romantičnom notom.