
stylish small ... pops of bright colors

Another small but stylish and completely functional apartment. I've probably found it via one of the real estate agencies in Norway, but back then I did not write down links and tags...assuming it's impossible to forget the source of such a gem. Well, I forgot it, of course.
All decorating styles can work in a small apartment as well as in big ones, except everything should be at scale and a bit simplified. Considering how most people don't know their style, wanting modern home for easy living and cleaning, this light and airy apartment with pops of bright colors is perfect.


stylist Camilla Krishnaswamy

I find out about Swedish stylist Camilla Krishnaswamy via Emmas designblogg. Camilla's portfolio is aspiring and playful, full of extremes like dark set vs light and white... delicate objects vs rough textures


Balkan breeze ... loft designed by Tina Kurpez

For today's Balkan breeze I've found lovely, tiny but completely functional loft in Zagreb, Croatia. This loft is designed by interior designer Tina Kurpez, from Karas studio, who finds professionally challenging and inspirational creating cozy, modern and functional home besides the slopes.
attic designed by Tina Kurpez2


grey + white kitchen / siva i bijela u kuhinji

It's springtime... For a week now I am all into spring cleaning every detail, and I can tell you - it feels GOOD! My head is always full of redecorating ideas but it is hard to make my husband say YES. All I need is to make him realize that my way is better way. He doesn't care too much for design anyway...but he also doesn't like to be much involved into decorating process.

passionfinds 8 april'11

during time I've collected photos, thoughts, ideas...I believe worth mentioning and remembering. weekly passionfinds will be the sum of those useful and interesting links (hopefully for you,too)
tulip table DufnerHeighes interior via HOUZZ


StylishSmall ... Hilda Grahnat's home

Hello everybody! Very interesting, thrifty, vintage, cozy apartment was featured on Apartment therapy recently. Hilda Grahnat is a freelance photographer, graphic designer and flea market addict as she explains on her blog. I find her apartment very cozy, interesting and creative.
Hilda grahnat home


passionfinds 7

 during time I've collected photos, thoughts, ideas...I believe worth mentioning and remembering. weekly passionfinds will be the sum of those useful and interesting links (hopefully for you,too)
bench of kitchen el via aubrey and lindsay's blog


a glimpse into ...

the home I used to live in with my parents. It's 1970 house, survived a strong earthquake in '79, and it hasn't changed since it was built. Now it is completely renovated, all plumbing and electric fixtures are brand new and layout is a bit changed. This time I'm just showing you dining room after photo and floor plans before and after. All before/after photos with some explanation will be posted soon.
013 tunedstan hn za novineParents's home after 
Are you curious to see more? What do you think so far?
*all photos belongs to PassionDecor


I want this!

These incredible beautiful hand-blown glass light pendants are designed by Esther Patterson of Curiousa & Curiousa.  A light piece can be hung as a single pendant, a double pendant is consisted of a stem and shade or multiple drops can be used as part of a chandelier.
single_glass_lights CuriosaAndCuriosa via ChicTip

passionfinds 6

*during the week I collect photos, thoughts, ideas...I believe worth mentioning and remembering. weekly passionfinds will be the sum of those useful and interesting linksadore home magazine 

color palette ... timeless classic

After several spring-y days it's much colder AGAIN...Strong wind is blowing so it's the perfect time to get cozy in your home. Earth tones feels like you just want to sit around, drinking tea and reading a good book you didn't have time for.
This color palette is perfect for ethno style (like shown on the photo) but can also work for mid-century, or contemporary style. Would you use it in your home?
timeless classic


Inspired by Paris

After reading post about Paris on new-to-me Croatian blog about life, travel, great and not-so-great places to enjoy coffee ... I was thinking: Do I Want To Visit Paris? can you believe what am I asking myself? and the answer is WHO WOULDN'T?! I don't care it is way too expensive, crowded, chaotic...I would be smitten to go there
More than Paris, I would love to visit villages and small cities in France...to feel the true spirit of that incredible country. Someday I will go, and you will be amongst first to know :)
Meanwhile, I found some photos of inspiration. Places for rent in Paris. If someone can't go to Paris, one should make the Paris come to him


home of Dora iz Londona

Thanks to Kristina at Miss Decor studio, I found out about Dora iz Londona who left a comment on Kristina's blog. Sometimes one awakes my curiosity to find out who's behind that name. I'm happy to find Dora iz Londona, because her home in London is so beautiful. I love it! You will do, too...and I'm sure some of you'll consider asking them to move in :)dora iz londona flickr photostream12


living in the attic / udobnost u potkrovlju

Everyone's talking about spring...and that's just the way it should be. Spring is the most beautiful time of the year, colorful, warm, making us happy and full of energy. Interesting thing is: it seems I'm especially drawn to attics in spring time. It was almost a year ago, April as well, when I wrote about attic. Funny, don't you think?
Lovely space I'm showing you today is SO cozy, perfect to fully enjoy in the morning sun. Neutral and natural palette goes well in any time of the year. The tricky part of attic is always the short wall below the slope, and it's usually the best place for well organized storage. In this example the storage boxes are used as seating as well.


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