Ummat Islam Malaysia memang hebat dengan budaya Islam nya tetapi di Malaysia orang Islam sendiri memperlekeh kehebatan mereka dan menjadi mangsa kepada inferiority conplex.
Di Dubai , pemuda kecil 13 tahun Mohamad bin Ahmad Zahid membaca Quran di musabaqah Tilawah Al Quran dan ada Pak Arab yang menitis air mata mendengar nya dengan kushu'. Syabas adik Muhamad dan kita mendoakan agar ramai lagi muslim cemerlang dari malaysia mengharumkan nama negara dalam masa ada individu individu yang lebih cenderung memburukkan nama negara tanpa sebab dan hala tuju.
Terdapat tujuh peserta pusingan akhir dan adik Mohamad mendapat tempat pertama , peserta Turki tempat kedua dan peserta kuwait tempat ke tiga. Musabaqah tilawah itu di adakan di dewan yang padat pengunjung dan turut di hadiri oleh His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President dan Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. Adik Muhamad membaca surah Al Rahman yang terkenal dengan ayat yang berbentuk puisi yang sangat tinggi dan mempunyai mesej yang padat dengan pengajaran yang menginsafkan manusia yang berfikir.
(Terdahulu, dalam temubual dengan Bernama, Muhammad berkata, dia mula berlatih menghafal al-Quran ketika berusia tujuh tahun dan amat terhutang budi kepada bapanya, yang bertugas sebagai penasihat undang-undang dan ibunya, seorang doktor gigi, atas dorongan mereka" petikan dari Berita Harian.)
BeritaThirteen-year-old Mohammad Bin Ahmad Zahid from Malaysia is felicitated after being adjudged the winner of the Quran recitation contest at the Dubai International Holy Quran Award.By Siham Al Najami, Staff ReporterPublished: September 19, 2008, 23:43Dubai: The young Malaysian participant who was eventually declared the winner of the recitation event at the Dubai International Holy Quran Award (DIHQA) event had the jam-packed audience in a thrall.
The contest began at midnight on Thursday after the conclusion of programmes associated with the event. The prizes will be announced on Saturday at 9.30pm in the presence of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, at the Cultural and Scientific Association.There were seven participants in all who vied for the top three prizes. A Turkish contestant and a Kuwaiti participant were adjudged second and third respectively in the recitation event.
Showcasing talentThirteen-year-old Mohammad Bin Ahmad Zahid's performance moved some members of the audience to tears.His recitation of verses from Surat Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving) of the Quran during the stage of the competition when each participant was given seven minutes to showcase his talent went down especially well with those assembled.The other contestants in the fray were from Yemen, Mauritania, Libya, and Somalia.
Speaking to Gulf News, other participants at the event recalled how they had pursued their Quran studies. Senoussi Daoud from Chad said he had memorised the Quran along with his three siblings in a Khalwa, a traditional mosque school in Africa.The 20-year-old is a high school student at a public school that imparts the Saudi curriculum."Memorising the Quran is part of one's cultural upbringing in Chad. Most people in my hometown memorise the Quran," said Daoud.SolidarityHe told Gulf News the Khalwa also served as key centres of education for those wanting to learn the Arabic language."Everyone in the Khalwa shares equally what is available. The values and the experiences of the Khalwa help to forge a solidarity among its members which lasts for a lifetime," said Senoussi.
Ahmedou Salem Taleb, a 21-year-old participant from Mauritania, said students used a lawlah, a small wooden tablet, to take notes while memorising the Quran back in his home country and generally across North Africa.Students would then repeat what they memorised around 300 times-using the Misbah (counting beads), he said.