Free Gaza:
Palestine: Mesi khianati kami - Galloway MP Britain
Dalam rancangan ‘Tanpa Sempadan’ yang disiarkan oleh saluran TV kabel al-Jazeerah pada petang Rabu (6/1/2010), beliau hairan dengan tindakan yang diambil pihak Mesir sehingga menyebabkan beberapa anggota konvoinya terpaksa mendapatkan rawatan di hospital kerana ada di antara mereka mengalami patah tulang dan cedera parah. Mereka mengalaminya hanya kerana matlamat mereka untuk menghantar ubat-ubatan dan makanan kepada rakyat Gaza yang terkepung.
sumber : bantah Mesir tolong Israel
Article (Terkini) Perniagaan organ badan, satu lagi siri jenayah Zionis
Perniagaan organ badan para syuhada’ Palestin adalah satu jenayah yang sudah lama berlaku yang baru-baru ini menyebabkan pertelingkahan di antara orang-orang Sweden dan regim Zionis. Meskipun ia tidaklah dianggap sebagai jenayah yang utama, namun ia menambahkan satu lagi siri jenayah Zionis yang dilakukan terhadap rakyat Palestin.
Wartawan Sweden, Donald Boustroum tidak berdusta ketika beliau melaporkan bagaimana beberapa keluarga Palestin di Tebing Barat dan Semenanjung Gaza mendakwa tentera Zionis melakukan penculikan tersusun terhadap pemuda Palestin yang kemudiannya jenazah mereka dihantar pulang semula kepada keluarga mereka setelah beberapa organ badan mereka diambil. Beliau juga turut memberikan fakta jelas yang menunjukkan regim Zionis melakukan jenayah tersebut dengan tersusun terhadap rakyat Palestin yang diusir dari tanahair mereka secara paksaan.
Laporan oleh akhbar Sweden ‘Haafton Bladet’ menunjukkan kewujudan suatu perniagaan organ tubuh manusia yang laris di Israel kerana keperluan yang mendesak terhadapnya. Ia juga menunjukkan keterlibatan pihak berkuasa rasmi dan para doktor yang utama dalam hal ini. Ia juga menegaskan wujud bukti kehilangan beberapa pemuda Palestin selama 5 hari sebelum jenazah mereka dihantar pulang ke kawasan kediaman secara rahsia pada waktu malam dengan terdapat kesan pembedahan pada badan mereka.
sumber : oh Palestine
In this case, the media buried it -- even the Washington Post failed to report on this historic event on Capitol Hill. While AP had an excellent news report on the panel's briefing in the Rayburn House Office Building, this highly newsworthy story, which should have been headlined around the country, was buried in its wire offerings of the day and very few news media picked it up or gave it the prominence it deserved.
Such neglect by the American media is unconscionable.
Kapal bantuan Iran diperhatikan...
This comes after the Israeli military intercepted an Iranian ship on January 14, even though it left the Egyptian port of Said with the paperwork required to dock.
Mesir adalah satu-satunya negara yang berkongsi sempadan dengan semenanjung Gaza, telah mengawal semua aktiviti dengan Israel berkenaan dengan kapal Iran.
Serangan Tel Aviv 3 minggu berturut-turut telah melumpuhkan bantuan untuk penduduk Palestin yang dikepung selepas disekat bekalan makanan, ubat-ubatan dan minyak memasuki Gaza.
PBB, kesan serangan memberi kesan kepada bantuan kemanusian dan bantuan kecemasan perlu disalurkan dengan segera.
Pekerja bantuan berkata, bantuan kemanusia di semenanjung Gaza berada dalam keadaan yanga sangat teruk dengan penduduk seramai 1.1 juta orang dan 80 peratus darinya bergantung kepada bantuan makanan.
Rejim Zionis Israel menyatakan, Operasi Cas Lead yang dilancarkan pada 27 Disember 2008 bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Hamas yang dipilih oleh rakyat.
Biro Pusat Statistik Palestin melaporkan lebih daripada 4,100 buat rumah telah dimusnahkan dan 17,000 buah yang lain dirosakkan.
Channel 4 interviews Mr Mark Regev
Samantha Morton vows to boycott BBC
Courtesy of Sam
Actress Samantha Morton said she will never work for the BBC again if the Corporation fails to broadcast an emergency appeal for help in Gaza.
The Longford actress said she was embarrassed to earn money from a corporation that would take such an "horrific" and "disgusting" decision.
She said she wanted to know how the appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) was different to Comic Relief or Children in Need.
"I'm shocked and appalled," she said. "I've worked for the BBC since I was a small child. As a public service they've got it very wrong. I'm not as articulate about this as I would like to be because I'm so appalled. I will never work for the BBC again unless they change their mind."
She went on: "It's very, very wrong. It's not a political message. It's about raising money for children who are dying.
"I'm proud to have worked for the BBC; I'm proud to be British; I'm proud we even have the BBC.
"But I need them to explain this decision. I reserve the right never to work for that company again if I feel that I'm too embarrassed to support them or earn money from them."
The actress was speaking at a high profile charity dinner organised by MAP at the Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane in central London.
Later, comedian Mark Steel added that the idea that a televised appeal for help could be political was "just nuts".
Source:Click Here
Kuwait tidak akan menyalurkan bantuan kewangan kepada Mahmoud Abbas
Keputusan itu di buat berdasarkan kebimbangan pihak Kuwait jika bantuan itu di salurkan melalui Mahmoud Abbas, duit itu akan di salahgunakan . Keputusan itu juga di buat setelah beberapa pengamal politik di Kuwait mendedahkan bahawa bantuan yg di beri kepada Mahmoud Abas tidak di salurkan kepada pihak yang bertanggung jawab di kawasan Gaza.
sumber :
Muhammad Dahlan dari Fatah bersekongkol dengan Israel..?
28 Jan 2009 al-Bakri fil Muar
Ini adalah gambar Mohamad Dahlan. Nampaknya berada dalam satu mesyuarat bersama dengan tentera Yahudi.....
Patutlah berlaku kekacauan di Gaza dalam tahun 2006.
Untuk lihat lagi gambar sila klik linkdi sini
Himpunan Aman bagi membantah kekejaman Israel Zionist
Putuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel
Boikot harus diteruskan sehingga negara Palestin merdeka diwujudkan
Shoot Then Ask, Israeli Soldiers Told
When his unit ventures into any alleyway in the densely-populated Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza, they opened fire without hesitation.
"We were told not to take chances — to shoot rather than ask questions," says Alon, citing his orders.
Since the start of Israel's onslaught, over 1,013 people, nearly half of them civilians, have been killed in countless aerial bombardments and 10 days of heavy fighting.
No less than 315 children and 100 women are among the dead, according to Gaza medics.
Around 4,700 people have been wounded, hundreds critically, in Israel's largest-ever offensive in the heavily-populated coastal territory.
With the borders sealed, there was no place of safety for civilians to flee the fighting, meaning they were forced to live in fear and terror.
Nine Israeli rights groups stressed Wednesday that the Gaza offensive has caused unprecedented suffering to civilian residents who are being subjected to "extreme humanitarian distress."
"The level of harm to the civilian population is unprecedented," they wrote in a joint open letter to Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
They accused the army of "making wanton use of lethal force which has to date caused the deaths of hundreds of uninvolved civilians."
"This kind of fighting constitutes a blatant violation of the laws of warfare and raises the suspicion... of the commission of war crimes."
Lieutenant-Colonel Yehuda said it was standard practice for Israeli troops to enter buildings with bursts of shooting.
"In one case the building started burning but we managed to clear out our men in time."
Even the Israeli soldiers are shocked by the scale of destruction they are leaving behind.
"It doesn’t look like we’ve been there a few weeks — it looks destroyed, demolished, like we were bombing it for years," said Alon.
"You can’t imagine what damage we have done."
Hundreds of homes, government buildings, schools, hospitals and mosques have been razed to the ground in air, sea and ground attacks.
"I’m not a newcomer in the army. Both my brothers served in combat units that saw action in Gaza," Alon told the Times.
"And I can say that this is the most aggressive line that we have ever taken towards fighting the Palestinians.
"As you say in English, the gloves were off."
White Phosphorus
Israeli soldiers confirmed what their army is vehemently denying; using white phosphor shells in bombing Gaza targets.
"We’ve been using it responsibly…it’s been around the whole time," one soldier told the Times.
The Israeli army on Monday insisted all weapons being used in its Gaza war were within the bounds of international law.
Medics in Gaza say they have treated more than 50 people suffering burns caused by controversial white phosphorus shells, a toxic chemical agent which burns away human flesh to the bone.
Early this week, Human Rights Watch accused Israel of using white-phosphorus in bombing the densely-populated Gaza Strip.
Under international law, white phosphorus is banned for use against civilians, but is permitted if used for creating a smokescreen.
Two Norwegians who returned from Gaza on Monday, January 12, also accused Israel of using Gaza as a testing ground for a new extremely nasty type of explosive.
They had seen clear signs, including very brutal amputations without shrapnel injuries, that DIME explosives, a new experimental kind of weapon, were being used in Gaza.
Source: IslamOnline
Ismail Haniyeh open letter to the world.
"What occurred next was that Israel alongside the US and the European Union joined forces in an attempt to quash the democratic will of the Palestinian people," he stressed.
"They set about reversing the decision first by obstructing the formation of a national unity government and then by making a living hell for the Palestinian people through economic strangulation.
"The abject failure of all these machinations finally led to this vicious war."
He refuted Israeli claims that the military offensive aims at ending rocket attacks.
"Palestinians are appalled that the members of the European Union do not view this obscene siege as a form of aggression.
"Despite the overwhelming evidence, they shamelessly assert that Hamas brought this catastrophe upon the Palestinian people because it did not renew the truce," said Haniyeh.
"Yet we ask, did Israel honor the terms of the ceasefire mediated by Egypt in June? It did not. The agreement stipulated a lifting of the siege and an end to attacks in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
"Despite our full compliance, the Israelis persisted in murdering Palestinians in Gaza as well as the West Bank during what became known as the year of the Annapolis peace."
Haniyeh criticized world silence to the killing of more than 1030 Palestinians, half of them women and children, in 20 days and Israel's use of banned weapons.
"How many more international treaties and conventions must Zionist Israel breach before it is held accountable?
There is not a capital in the world today where free and decent people are not outraged by this brutal oppression. Neither Palestine nor the world would be the same after these crimes."
Jangan derma kepada kumpulan tidak berjuang di Palestin'
"Saya menyeru orang ramai khususnya masarakat Malaysia yang prihatin untuk menderma kepada rakyat Palestin yang sebenarnya dan pejuang-pejuang yang berlawan dengan rejim zionis Israel," katanya yang akan berangkat ke Palestin pada 15 Januari ini.
Beliau ditemui Harakah di Dewan Dato' Wan Muttalib di Kuala Ibai sebelum sidang media tiga pemimpin tertinggi Pakatan Rakyat pada 11 Januari lalu.
Justeru katanya walaupun sesen didermakan oleh rakyat ia perlu dibantah jika disalurkan kepada kumpulan Mahmoud Abbas yang didakwa bersekongkol dengan Yahudi.
"Kerajaan perlu jelaskan ke mana wang derma itu akan disalurkan, kalau kepada kumpulan Mahmoud Abbas maknanya wang umat Islam dari Malaysia diberi kepada kumpulan yang tidak berjuang,"katanya yang mempersoalkan wang derma yang dikutip oleh kerajaan melalui masjid-masjid di seluruh negara atas nama bantuan kepada Palestin yang bakal diagihkan kepada pihak yang tidak diketahui prinsip perjuangan mereka.
Bagaimanapun kata Mohammad, Malaysia selama ini dilihat tidak mengiktiraf kerajaan Palestin dipimpin oleh Hamas yang memenangi pilihan raya negara itu sebaliknya lebih dekat dengan kumpulan yang dipimpin oleh Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah).
Antaranya sebelum ini Malaysia sebagai tuan rumah persidangan khas Pergerakan Negara-Negara Berkecuali (NAM) pernah mengiktiraf kehadiran wakil Pertubuhan Pembebasan Palestin (PLO) sebagai mewakili rakyat Palestin dan mengenepikan wakil Hamas sebagai kerajaan yang sah dinegara itu yang turut hadir dalam persidangan tersebut.
Sementara itu, Kerajaan Malaysia dipersoal menyebelahi pihak yang mana dalam isu serangan Israel ke atas Palestin ekoran perkembangan terbaru melibatkan tangkapan terhadap 21 peserta himpunan aman membantah serangan Israel di Dataran Merdeka baru-baru ini.
Mohammad Sabu yang mempersoal tindakan tersebut berkata, kerajaan dilihat seperti tidak menyebelahi Palestin dan mula memperlihatkan wajah sebenar mereka.
"Bercakap seolah-olah membenci apa yang dilakukan oleh Israel tetapi apabila rakyat turun menyatakan bantahan ke atas Israel, 21 orang telah ditangkap.
Beliau juga menyifatkan tindakan itu membuktikan 'wajah' sebenar kerajaan BN yang tunduk kepada tekanan Amerika tetapi cuba menunjukkan sokongan perjuangan rakyat Palestin untuk memenangi hati pengundi di Kuala Terengganu.
Beliau dalam pada itu menggesa pengundi Kuala Terengganu menyatakan bantahan terhadap sikap kerajaan itu melalui undi pada 17 Januari ini.
Antara yang ditahan dalam kejadian terbabit ialah Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kota Damansara, Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim, ahli Parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago, Penyelaras Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit) Arutchelvan Subramaniam dan Norlaila Othman daripada Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI). - azm
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Mauritania to cut ties with Israel
Mauritania's decision to recall its ambassador to Tel Aviv earlier this week marked the "first step" to cutting ties with the Jewish state, an adviser to the country's military junta said on Saturday. "Mauritania's decision to recall its ambassador in Israel is a first step towards severing ties with this aggressive entity," said Cheikh Ben Horma Ould Ben Babana, adviser to the president of Mauritania's ruling High Council of State.
"This relationship between Mauritania and the Israeli entity disturbs and embarrasses Mauritanians," Ben Babana told reporters in Cairo, according to Reuters. Mauritania said on Monday it had recalled its ambassador for consultations, days after protesters took to the streets of the capital Nouakchott to demand the country cut diplomatic ties with Israel over its military offensive in the Gaza Strip.
Ties between Israel and Mauritania were the legacy of a former regime and had been established for "personal reasons", Ben Babana said.
Source: Click here
Jordan Threatens to Reconsider Ties With Israel
January 06, 2009 09:00 AM ET Larry Derfner Permanent Link Print
With large, angry anti-Israeli demonstrations putting pressure on moderate Arab states, Jordan, one of two Arab countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel (Egypt being the other), now says it is "reconsidering" those ties. Al Jazeera reports:
Jordan's prime minister has said his country may review its diplomatic ties with Israel in the wake of the offensive in Gaza.
"Jordan will look into all options, including reconsidering relations with Israel," Nader Dahabi told legislators on Sunday.
"There is no way we would remain silent when this threat affects the security of the entire region."
Turkey, a moderate Muslim country that Israel considers a vital regional ally and military partner, has likewise been compelled by popular opinion to takes sides against Israel. Ha'aretz reports:
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday accused Israel of committing "inhuman" acts in Gaza that would cause it to self-destruct. In an interview with Al Jazeera television network, the Turkish prime minister said Israel hurt its relations with Turkey by attacking Gaza, and will be punished. In the wake of his visit to the Middle East on Monday, Erdogan voiced his support of Hamas and said Turkey would act as a mediator between the Islamist organization and the United Nations Security Council.
West Bank leadership softening criticism of HamasHamas's rival, the U.S.-backed Palestinian Authority that rules the West Bank, has begun to mute its public criticism of Gaza's radical leadership. Ghassan Khatib, a former PA minister, writes in the joint Israeli/Palestinian news site that this could hasten steps toward a merger between the PA and Hamas:
The Israeli attack has increased public sympathy and support for Hamas because it is the target of these attacks and because it is trying to fight back. The Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, meanwhile, finds itself in an awkward and difficult position.
For one thing, it has been marginalized and has been the target of criticism while being compared unfavorably with the role and position of Hamas in Gaza. This has led Fateh spokespeople and leaders to change their tone from trying to hint at Hamas responsibility for the suffering of Gazans to a more reasonable and rational tone, exemplified by President Mahmoud Abbas, who, during a meeting of the PLO's Executive Committee, suggested that the time is right for coordination between the different factions and invited all factions, including Hamas, to address this issue.
This change in tone could result in some positive momentum in the dialogue among the Palestinian factions that are under growing pressure from the public to reconcile.
Source: click here
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