I have for you today a very very special Cadillacquer polish called What's In The Box?
Now there is a story behind this polish....I was placing an order for some more sale polishes and a couple from the new Love The Music collection as a birthday present from me to me and was also emailing the lovely Madeleine at the same time and she done the sweetest thing ever and offered to make me a custom polish for my birthday. Now I will stop here for a second and get a little sappy but this is a perfect example of how a nail polish obsession lets you 'meet' some of the most wonderful people. I have met so many great people through nail polish and I am sure you all know who you are if you are reading this.
Now back to the polish, which I know is why you are all here really. Now I love polish but have never been asked to make one so at first I was overwhelmed with ideas then I drew a blank... Finally I came up with some very vague ideas and Madeleine came up with an ever prettier polish that I had imagined.
What's In The Box? has a bright blue and has light and dark purple glitters running through it. Even though this polish was made at short notice, the quality is as I have come to expect from Cadillacquer.
I know you are all probably sighing by now and dying for the pictures but I just wanted to quickly explain the name choice, which again was chosen by me. What's In The Box? has a few meanings but mainly it links to my blog name, the old tale of Pandora and her box...but there is also an added bonus where it ties in with the Cadillacquer theme of pop culture names by taking a quote from one of my (and also it turns out, Madelines) favourites movies, Seven.
So before you all give up and leave, here are the pictures. I had 2 breaks (sigh) so nails are kind of shorter than usual but I had to show you anyway. This is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of the polish and 1 of the Shield.
And now we have some bottle shots...
I hope I have done this amazing polish justice with my pictures and I am sure I will wear this one often.
In a way I feel bad you showing you all this one as it is not available to buy but you can buy many other great Cadillacquer polishes from the site here.
Thank you all so much for looking and a special thanks to Madeleine for just being her <3 xxx