Showing posts with label ascalon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ascalon. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 April 2012

a-england The Complete Holos

Morning everyone!

I have something I am very excited to show you all today, and it is not a polish you haven't seen before, here or on other sites.  But I was doing my nails last night and simply could not decide which polish to wear, and when I am in that mood I generally gravitate towards my a-england, especially the holo polishes, as I know I will find something to suit my mood, that does not require a lot of effort to apply.  But not even a single a-england jumped out at me, so was originally going to pick two to alternate, then it was like a little lightbulb went off, why not wear *all* the holos!!

So thats what I did, and thats what I have to show you now.  As you may be aware there are only eight a-england holos so I done both thumbs with Camelot (not pictured but here is my original post)  and then took my holos out and started on my left hand pointer and went from there to pinkie, then from right hand pointer to pinkie, in the order the holos are on the a-england site.  This is how my a-englands are stored in my helmer anyway, so didn't take much effort to work out the order to paint, and here is a picture of all the pretty holos lined up.

I will just say this now so don't have to keep saying it, each nail has 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of the polish and 1 of the Shield (which is the bottle I am holding).  I will also link to the full post on each polish when I name them.

First here is my Left hand, which you are all very familiar with by now, so from pointer to pinkie we have:

Saint George, Dragon, Princess Sabra (Tristam Eyes) and Princess Tears.

And then we have something I don't think you have ever seen on here, my right hand, which as you can probably tell, isn't as used to being posed for pictures!  Again from pointer to pinkie we have:

Then since I got a tripod for my camera yesterday too, we have a picture of both hands just 'cause I can.

Now I hope you liked looking at my pictures of this mani as much as I love wearing it, I think I will be keeping this on as long as possible!!

All these polishes can be purchased directly from a-england for £9 (with free shipping) or also at Llarowe for $12.

So I will leave you now with one last pretty holo picture to say goodbye...

Thank you for looking and please leave me a little comment to let me know your thoughts on my holo skittle nails.

Some of the products in this post were sent to me for review.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

a-england Ascalon

I have for you today another stunning polish from the a-england Legend collection.

Ascalon is a mainly grey polish but it also has flashes of lavender which make it a real beauty to look at, and just like the previous Legends I have shown you, it is also a holographic polish.

I had originally worn and photographed this one when my nails were shorter but decided I would wear again now my nails are a little longer, as if I really needed to make an excuse to wear it again.

So here is 1 coat of the Knight, and 2 of Ascalon with no top coat to show you how shiny is even without this.

I think it is honestly safe to say that you all know what I am going to say here, I love this polish!

Have any of you picked up this one?  If not and you want to get your hands on it you can buy it directly from a-england here for £9 with free Worldwide shipping, or you can also get it from Llarowe here.

Thanks for looking <3

This product was sent to me for review.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

a-england The Legend Collection

I have something very special for you today, my beautiful new a-england collection, The Legend.

I unfortunately never got the chance to even try any of these on tonight, but will try and get posts for each up soon.

But to keep you going for now, here is a bottle shot of the full collection and some single shots too....

In this order we have:

Order of the Garter, Ascalon, Saint George, Princess Sabra (Tristam Eyes), Princess Tears, Bridal Veil and Dragon.

Order of the Garter


Saint George

Princess Sabra (Tristam Eyes)

Princess Tears

Bridal Veil


You can click on these pictures to make them bigger to see the pretties in more detail.

Can't wait to try these out and Thank You to Adina for bringing us this stunning collection.

You can still order at the moment by emailing but these will hopefully be on the a-england site soon.  You can also still pick up The Mythicals from the a-england site too....

Thanks for looking <3