Showing posts with label holy grail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holy grail. Show all posts

Friday, 16 November 2012

a-england {New} Holy Grail

I have for you today a pretty polish I have been meaning to post for a while now.

Anyone who visits me here knows how much I love Adina and her stunning creations so it will be no surprise that the one I have to show you today is no exception.

The old Holy Grail was a stunning gold polish, so much so I have a back up of it for when it is no longer available, but the new Holy Grail take it one step further into stunning being a gold polish with hints of bronze, copper and even green.

Here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of Holy Grail and 1 of the Shield.

a-england {New} Holy Grail 1

a-england {New} Holy Grail 2

a-england {New} Holy Grail 3

a-england {New} Holy Grail 4

This, and other a-england Polishes can be purchased from the Official Site or Llarowe.

Thanks for looking <3 

The product in this post was sent to me for review.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Dollish Polish I'm The Boogie Man - This Is Halloween Collection

Today I have for you another from the Dollish Polish This is Halloween collection, and this one is inspired by Oogie Boogie.

I'm The Boogie Man is a variety of green glitters in a shimmery mossy green base.  I was going to wear it alone as it reminds me a little of Zombie Flesh so it can be worn this way, but as its me, I decided to layer it. This combo proved difficult to photograph but I love it nonetheless.

Here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of a-england Holy Grail, 1 of Boogie and 1 of the Shield.

Dollish Polish This is Halloween Collection polishes are being restocked each day until 5 October, keep an eye on the Facebook page for confirmation of times, and the official Dolly store is here.

Thanks for looking <3

Some products in this post were sent to me for review.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Lynnderella One Nutty Fruitcake over a-england Holy Grail

I have for you all a very pretty Lynnderella, One Nutty Fruitcake, the fact it is pretty is not unusual for one of Lynns polishes, but the amazingly unusual thing about this polish is it is made up of mostly square glitter, which is very unique in my collection.

And its not just square glitter, it is many different colours of square glitter in a few different sizes, and there is also multi coloured micro glitter running through it too.

This was the first time I had worn this polish and kind of fell in love with it, especially with Holy Grail as a base and have worn One Nutty Fruitcake another time since, and I will show you that combo in another post hopefully.

So here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of Holy Grail, 2 of One Nutty Fruitcake and 1 of the Shield.

So there you have it, a pretty almost all square glitter polish.  I love this one, and am so happy to add it onto my current Lynderella polishes.

Lynderella Polishes can be purchased through Llarowe using the Wishlist system, and keep an eye on her Facebook and Website to check for updates on when the next round of Wishlists will be taken.

Thanks for looking <3 xxx

The Lynnderella polish in this post was sent to me for review.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

a-england Holy Grail, Perceval and Merlin

Wow whee! I cannot believe it is Christmas Eve already, hope everyone is feeling festive by now......

Before I start I would like to say a big Happy Birthday to my lovely friend Fi, you have seen the Illamasqua polishes she has 'let' me borrow on here before and I think she is actually my only friend who I see in 'real life' who reads my blog so I hope she has an amazing birthday and gets spoiled <3

Anyway, back to why you are all here, nail polish!!

I have for you today my first attempt at nails to match my Mums red and gold Christmas theme.  Of course a-englands were the first ones I thought of for red (Perceval) and gold (Hold Grail) but I decided Christmas also needed glitter so Merlin was picked too.  I wanted to try some kind of combo with them that I hadn't tried before, I was originally going to try a half moon mani, but decided on Ruffian at the last minute as thought it might be easier for me to freehand.

My idea for this didn't work just as I had hoped but I loved the colour combo so thought you guys would want to see, and if I try it again I will try to remember to take photos at each stage to show you.

I started with 1 coat of the Knight, then 1 coat of Holy Grail all over the whole nail, after this had dried I done 1 coat of Perceval but started up a bit further than the cuticle, but still (tried) to follow the same shape, then the same with 1 coat of Merlin and then a coat of the Shield to finish it all off.

And here was the end result.....

So the lines aren't as neat as I would have liked but I do like how the colours go together........what are your thoughts on this?  Yay or nay?? 

Thanks for looking <3 xxx

Friday, 4 November 2011

The Complete a-england Mythicals Collection

Wow, 100 followers on GFC, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who looks at and takes an interest in my blog.  I know there are so many amazing ones out there so I appreciate each person that stops here.  My thanks are obviously for you all - GFC followers, Facebook likers, Twitter and Bloglovin followers, email subscribers and even just the passers by.

I have had this post planned for a while but wanted to wait until GFC got to 100 to publish it, as anyone who comes to visit Pandora's Nails will know, I love a-england polishes and have shown each of the Mythicals in at least one post already, but I thought for ease of reference it would be good to have them all in the one place..............I also really enjoyed trying them all on at the one time and creating all the different combos.

I will show you today all of the Mythicals alone first (2 coats), then with 1 coat of Morgan Le Fay and again with 1 coat of Merlin.  The Knight was used as a base coat on all polishes, but I decided not to use top coat of any of them to show you just how sparkly they are alone, so the bottle I am holding is the Shield so it wasn't completely left out.

Incase any of you are wondering, I chose the order of the swatches based on the order of the polishes on the a-england website, which is how they are stored in my case too.  I will also link to each polishes individual post using their name incase anyone wants to look further.

First we have King Arthur, Excalibur, Iseult, and Guinevere.

Then with Morgan Le Fay.

Then with Merlin.

With Morgan Le Fay.

With Merlin.

And then we have Camelot, Avalon, Perceval, Galahad and Holy Grail.

With Morgan Le Fay.

With Merlin.

Thank you all for looking once again <3 xxx

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

a-england Holy Grail

There are a lot of firsts in this post, first post with new my new heading and colouring, first pictures with my new watermark and the most daunting first for me, first post with my shorter nails.  I had only planned to cut them down slightly, but got carried away and now they are quite a bit shorter than I have been used to recently, but surprisingly I do like them.

Today I have for you a-englands Holy Grail, this is an amazing gold polish and unlike any of the other gold polishes I already own this one is very much on the yellow side of gold so filled a gap in my collection I didn't even realise I had.

All pictures, as per usual, are 1 coat of Underground basecoat (received the Knight today so will be trying it out shortly) 2 coats of Holy Grail and 1 coat of The Shield.

Thanks for looking and again, please feel free to leave any comments :)