Showing posts with label Superhero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Superhero. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dum Dum Dugan Figure Conversion

So now that I had a movie style Captain America figure, (see previous entry), I decided I wanted to convert a Dum Dum Dugan figure. Dugan is one of the Howling Commandos, and is recognizable as the soldier wearing the distinctive bowler hat near the center of the picture below.

I did a bit of scrounging around in some of my boxes of unpainted lead, and was able to come up with the two necessary components I was looking for: An old Foundry Wild West gunslinger wearing a bowler hat(who also had a nice big mustache), and a pack of Harlequin Miniatures U.S. BAR Gunners.
I selected one of the BAR Gunners that was sculpted wearing a scarf, as I figured it would help hide the neck seam. After two quick head removal operations, I glued the bowler hat wearing head onto the G.I. body, and voila...a passable Dum Dum Dugan figure!

Below, a look at the Heroclix Captain America next to the Dum Dum Dugam figure. Size wise they match up pretty well.

Another picture of Cap', and Dugan, this time as they battle a sinister Nazi robot!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Captain America Heroclix Movie Uniform Repaint

After seeing the Captain America movie last year, I wanted to get a Captain America figure to use in my Pulp/Weird War WWII games. I believed that looking at the Heroclix line, and repainting one of those, would be my best bet. So after perusing the different styles of Captain America figures available I settled on this one from the recent Captain America set:

I believed it had a look that was close enough to make a convincing movie style Cap. Next I went online to find a good still photo from the movie to copy my paint scheme from, and selected this one:

I cut the Heroclix figure from it's base, and remounted it on a fender washer. I then spray primed it black using Krylon Camouflage Ultra-Flat Black with Fusion. Then I painted it using a mix of basic hobby acrylics and some GW paints.

I'm pleased with the results, and can't wait to see him go up against the Nazis and Hydra in a future game.