Showing posts with label x-universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label x-universe. Show all posts

Friday, August 1, 2008

X-UNIVERSE #2 – June 1995

Dying Breath

Credits: Scott Lobdell (original story), Terry Kavanagh (scripter), Carlos Pacheco & Terry Dodson (pencilers), Cam Smith & Robin Riggs (inkers), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (lettering), Kevin Tinsley (colorist)


A dejected woman named Marta leaves her husband and baby to join thousands of other humans inside Mikhail’s mothership for his “personal augmentation” program. Inside the ship, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Ben Grimm, Susan Storm, Donald Blake, Gwen Stacy, and Victor von Doom are being held captive. Matt Murdock watches over Empath, who is being forced to stir emotions in the populace of London, provoking them towards a bloody riot. Meanwhile, Tony Stark is strapped to a table for organ harvesting. His mechanical heart acts as a booby trap once it interacts with Mikhail’s technology, shorting out the power and freeing the captive humans. They loot Mikhail’s arsenal, allowing Ben Grimm and Sue Storm to reclaim the nearby airstrip while Tony Stark and Gwen Stacy head to the lower levels of Mikhail’s ship. They’re ambushed by the Hulk, who made a secret deal with Apocalypse years earlier.

Inside the ruins of Big Ben, the remaining members of the Human High Council meet, distressed that more and more humans are joining Mikhail in his ship. Donald Blake reunites with the rest of the Council members, who are grudgingly meeting with Mikhail. When Mikhail sees a part of his mothership explode in the sky, he calls upon an army of enhanced humans to kill the Council. Doom arrives to rescue them, killing Marta, the woman who reluctantly left her family earlier. Donald Blake stabs his cane through Mikhail’s heart, forcing him to fall from the top of Big Ben to his death. Inside Mikhail’s ship, Matt Murdock accidentally touches Empath and connects to his emotional turmoil. Murdock responds to his anguish and rips him free of the machinery that’s amplifying his powers, killing him. Mikhail’s drones respond to the attack by targeting the crowd of humans outside. After her father is killed, Marta’s baby is saved by Ben Grimm. While fighting off the Hulk, Tony Stark breaks into Mikhail’s security system and learns that an armada is coming to bomb Europe. Stark talks Hulk into turning back into Bruce Banner, who is able to hack Mikhail’s system and gain control over his fleet. Doom arrives, saying that the fleet should be used to attack Apocalypse, but Stark decides to use it to relocate the civilians instead. The fleet races to freedom as Apocalypse’s armada approaches.

Continuity Notes

Kavanagh makes various references to the timeline of the Age of Apocalypse, and none of them fit. A narrative caption on the first page says that Apocalypse has caused “decades of darkness and despair”. Since this timeline diverged twenty years ago, that means that Apocalypse would’ve had to conquer the world immediately for that reference to fit. I realize that’s nitpicky, but there’s another reference to Matt Murdock being drafted by Apocalypse at age eight. This implies that Apocalypse conquered America (or at least a section of it) over twenty years ago (I’m assuming Murdock is at least twenty-eight). Not only does that contradict the premise of the entire storyline, but it also disagrees with the claim in Gambit and the X-Ternals #1 that Apocalypse conquered America on Jubilee’s sixth birthday (since she’s in her early teens, that means that Apocalypse has only been ruling America for around seven or eight years).

Big Ben is again portrayed inconsistently, not just with the other AoA books, but within the issue itself. During Carlos Pacheco’s section, it’s still lying on the ground, but Terry Dodson draws it standing erect (as it’s shown in the other titles). During the climax of the story, Donald Blake even shoves Mikhail out of the giant clock to his death, which really makes you wonder how Pacheco’s interpretation got through in the first place. (EDIT - Having just looked back at the Twilight of the Age of Apocalypse trade that reprints this series, I noticed that they covered up the first image of Big Ben in this issue with a white box. The giant splash page of Big Ben in the first issue is left untouched, though).


In case the first issue left any doubt, X-Universe is now officially a pointless cash grab. Not only does it continue the annoying coincidences from the first issue (this reality’s Stark also created a mechanized heart after an accident, Sue Storm holds a refugee baby with the same name as her son in the original world, etc), but the story itself is uninteresting and often just confusing. I remember trying to trudge through this thing when I first bought it in my early teens, basically giving up on the story and just skimming over it until I got to the final page. Having to closely examine the plot for the purposes of this blog today made me feel alternately sleepy or just bewildered during some of the sudden scene shifts. I realize that the ending is supposed to be ambiguous (as the characters disappear into a white light, which either symbolizes the bombs dropping on Europe or Sue’s view as they go into high gear), but that doesn’t explain all of the other instances of awkward storytelling.

When trying to piece the whole thing together in order to write a comprehensible recap of the issue, I realized that the basic story is actually reasonably okay. The main problem is that it just jumps around too much and it’s weighed down by a lot of pompous narration that’s outright boring. Kavanagh overwrites almost every single page of this comic with a multitude of narrative captions, most of which fail to offer any insights into the characters or clarify what exactly is supposed to be happening. To his credit, he does introduce an interesting dilemma for the Council at the end of the issue, when Stark has to decide to use Mikhail’s fleet for a last-minute attack on Apocalypse, or as rescue ships for the humans about to be bombed. Unfortunately, he waits until the story has three pages left to set up this idea, and simply has Stark confidently declare what they’re going to do without any debate. Doom could’ve at least argued that saving the civilians is futile if Apocalypse himself isn’t stopped, but instead the idea is just dropped as the story rushes to an end. As annoying as it all is to read, the art is at least nice. Pacheco and Dodson still weren’t given any regular titles at this point, but their work here shows that they’re better than many of the artists working on the monthlies.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

X-UNIVERSE #1 – May 1995

Last Stand

Credits: Scott Lobdell (original story), Terry Kavanagh (writer), Carlos Pacheco (penciler), Cam Smith (inker), Kevin Somers & Electric Crayon (colors), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (lettering)


In Wakanda, Gwen Stacy cares for the human refugees while waiting for more supplies to arrive. The village is suddenly attacked by the Marauders, a human terrorist group made up of Harry Osborn, Wilson Fisk, Arcade, and the Owl. Stacy kills Fisk, and Arcade is crushed by the heavy supplies dropped by Tony Stark’s spider-shaped aircraft. The aircraft’s pilot, Clint Barton, shoots down the remaining Marauders. Tony Stark tells Gwen Stacy and the humanitarian doctor Donald Blake that they’re needed in England. In London, Apocalypse’s fourth Horseman, Mikhail, arrives on an alleged peace initiative. Human pilots Susan Storm and Ben Grimm are reluctantly escorting his ship when their Field Command Center suddenly explodes on the ground. They land and investigate, and find the Hulk inside. Sue Storm shoots his ear off, forcing him to retreat. They search the wreckage and soon find Dr. Bruce Banner. He refuses medical attention for his head wound because the group is already late for Mikhail’s welcoming ceremony. Mikhail speaks in front of friendly audience, inviting members of the Human High Council to enter his ship. Victor von Doom, Tony Stark, Gwen Stacy, Donald Blake, Ben Grimm, and Sue Storm walk into Mikhail’s ship, and discover that he’s keeping the mutant Empath captive. Mikhail boasts about his plan to use Empath’s power to create an emotional frenzy that will rip London apart.


This series is in the “Marvel Select” format, with a cardboard cover and foil enhancement.

Approved By The Comics Code Authority (?)

There’s no Code seal on this issue. Arcade does have a bloody death, and there’s a lot of blood when the Hulk’s ear is shot off, but I don’t know if that was enough to cost it Code approval. It might have been a simple mistake.

Continuity Notes

According to a text piece in the back, Black Panther, Peter Parker, Frank Castle, Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, and Namor are all dead in this reality. A blind Matt Murdock is shown as Mikhail’s assistant, and Mikhail seems to have given him a “second sight”.

Mikhail is referred to as the “Fourth Horseman”, even though Abyss has already been labeled the latest Horseman. Why wouldn’t he be considered the fourth?

This issue supposedly takes place after Weapon X #3, where the Human High Council’s navigation systems were “sabotaged from within”. That never happened in Weapon X #3, but it might be a reference to Pierce’s attack in Weapon X #2, which destroyed their nuclear guidance system. Also, Ben Grimm claims that the explosion in their Field Command Center killed any pilots capable of carrying out the nuclear attack. I’m not sure how this can be reconciled with Weapon X #3, which has Weapon X searching out Gateway to pilot the nuclear strike. So is this supposed to take place before Weapon X #3 instead?

London is apparently “war-torn” which doesn’t seem to fit in with the established continuity. Apparently, it was the “very first cut of a bloody swath” that ran throughout Europe. London never appeared to be in great shape, but I was under the impression that humans were still relatively safe there (as it’s the home of the Human High Council, and Americans were being transported to England in Amazing X-Men and Weapon X). Pacheco draws Big Ben as rubble on the ground, which directly contradicts all of the previous stories that have it still standing and serving as the Council’s headquarters.


This is a miniseries focusing on the non-mutant Marvel superheroes in the AoA. It’s not a bad premise, but telling this story in a separate miniseries seems excessive to me. This could’ve easily taken the place of the mediocre prequel stories in X-Men Chronicles. The series was edited by Marie Javins, who wasn’t one of the regular X-editors during this era. I don’t know if that explains the shaky continuity or not, but this just doesn’t feel as if it really fits in with the rest of the AoA titles. Terry Kavanagh wasn’t a regular X-writer either, so it’s possible that he wasn’t in on all of the behind the scenes planning, either. Carlos Pacheco debuts on the X-titles with this mini (EDIT - at least from my perspective, since I didn't buy the Bishop mini). He sticks around until the late ‘90s after stints on Excalibur and X-Men.

The premise of this limited series is already gimmicky, but the story really pushes it to the limit. Out of all of the human characters that could’ve taken a stand against Apocalypse, Gwen Stacy gets chosen to be the hard-as-nails freedom fighter? It’s very fannish, and it stretches believability pretty far. I can buy that many of the Avengers would still end up as heroes in this reality, but the idea that Spider-Man’s dead girlfriend is popping caps on the bad guys with them is just silly. There are quite a few more cutesy moments, such as Ben Grimm calling the Hulk “a thing”, Clint Barton being nicknamed “Hawkeye” due to his piloting skills, and Donald Blake being referred to as a “god” because of his abilities as a doctor. There’s also the massive coincidence that Matt Murdock would receive powers similar to the ones he has as Daredevil from Mikhail, plus Bruce Banner accidentally becomes the Hulk in this reality due to Gamma experiments here, too. I guess you have to accept all of these things as a part of the premise, but it was too much for me even as a young teenager.

Overlooking the fanboy-ish elements of the series, this issue isn’t all bad. Kavanagh’s scripting is competent, and the action moves at a steady pace. The story itself is unobjectionable, although it starts to unravel once Mikhail lands in London. The fact that the humans there would gleefully welcome Mikhail and even chant his name, just because he’s on a “peace” mission, is absurd. There’s just no way any humans could believe Apocalypse wants peace at this point. This stretches disbelief way too far (although I guess it's possible that Empath is manipulating them, even though Mikhail doesn't appear to have any motivation to force him into doing that). The scene with Ben and Sue flying over the explosion at the Field Command Center is also pretty awkward, and rereading it doesn’t make it much clearer. Pacheco’s art is strong for most of the issue, even if his panel-to-panel continuity is spotty in a few places. I do think his art is strong enough to cover for some of the more mundane elements of the story, though. If you’re willing to overlook the massive coincidences and suspend disbelief for a few minutes, it’s entertaining enough as a straightforward action story.

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