Showing posts with label bingham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bingham. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

WEB OF SPIDER-MAN Annual #10 - June 1994

Shriek, Rattle, and Roll
Credits: Terry Kavanagh (plot), Mike Lackey (writer), Jerry Bingham (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Steve Dutro (letterer), Freddy Mendez (colorist)

The Plot: Spider-Man escorts Shriek into Ravencroft, despite his objections that the facility isn’t ready to accept patients. Shriek soon feeds on the negative emotions of a guard and powers herself out of her restraints. She frees her fellow patients, Pyromania, Gale, Mayhem, and Webber, and attacks the staff. With John Jameson’s help, Spider-Man apprehends the inmates.

The Subplots
: Warrant and his boss Reynard are using a guard, Barker, as a spy. Their plan is to watch Ravencroft explode and exploit the new bounty hunter opportunities it will generate.

Web of Continuity: Edward Wheelan, formerly the Vermin, now works as a peer counselor at Ravencroft.

Creative Differences: An added thought balloon has Mayhem (who apparently is the only one of the convicts without an online profile) reflecting that she’s only helping the others long enough to kill them after they escape. This was apparently added to justify why Mayhem is joining the other inmates even though a previous scene established that she viewed them as immoral. I don’t think establishing that she wants to kill them as soon as they’re free helps clarify her motivation, though.

Review: Aside from Jerry Bingham’s art, there’s nothing of note here. I don’t even think the introduction of four new Ravencroft patients was intended to do anything more than kill a few pages. In case anyone’s curious, Pyromania is a pyrokinetic, Gale can create massive winds, Mayhem secrets a poisonous gas, and Webber is a “deranged psychotic escape artist,” as opposed to those perfectly stable psychotic escape artists. Two of these villains could’ve given Wizard staffers some easy flatulence jokes, but I can’t imagine anyone else paying these characters a lot of attention. They are such total blank slates that virtually any writer could do something with them, but the Handbook’s already filled with hundreds of generic goons begging for a reinvention.

Daze and Confusion
Credits: Terry Kavanagh (plot), Joey Cavalieri (script), Alex Saviuk (breakdowns), Don Hudson (finishes), Sergio Cariello (letterer), Joe Andreani (colorist)

The Plot: The master hypnotist Daze targets Senator Gaines, who is under Warrant’s protection. Warrant neutralizes Daze and rescues the senator from committing suicide. Reynard injects Daze with truth serum and learns that he works for a criminal cabal known as the Fold.

Review: A caption on the final page asks readers to write in if they want to see more Warrant action. This teaser story, which pits Warrant against a foe that resembles a pedophile cosplaying as Dr. Strange, apparently wasn’t enough to turn the tide in Warrant’s favor. Sadly, we’ll never know the outcome of Warrant’s epic battle with the Fold. I can’t imagine why the comics reading public of 1994 didn’t want more of a character that’s essentially a cyborg Gambit, but sometimes the fates are cruel.

Tabula Rasa
Credits: Mike Lackey (writer), Sergio Cariello (penciler/letterer), Keith Williams (inker), Bob Sharen (colorist)

The Plot: The Black Cat discovers the Black Fox stealing jewelry from her apartment. He claims he’s been hired to return it to its proper owners. After pursuing him she decides to let the Black Fox go, content that the last vestige of her criminal life is gone.

I Love the ‘90s: Black Cat remarks that she wants to settle down with the latest Fabio romance novel.

Review: This is pretty amusing, and the art has a cartoony charm that I like. Mike Lackey’s interpretation of the Black Fox feels a little off (he speaks like a walking thesaurus, which seems like a great exaggeration of his established characterization), but the story remains a fun, quick read. A footnote reminds us that a Black Cat miniseries is coming from Terry Kavanagh and Andrew Wildman, but I doubt it was as entertaining as this back-up.

The Power of Resistance
Credits: Joey Cavalieri (writer), Vince Giarrano (art), Steve Dutro (letterer), Bob Sharen (colorist)

The Plot: The Prowler fights the Resistor, a former AIM scientist that’s using local gangs for labor. He recognizes one of the young gang members as a friend of his brother’s. After defeating the Resistor, the Prowler warns the child to make the right choices from now on.

Review: Obviously this is a fairly generic set-up, but I imagine Joey Cavalieri probably would’ve gotten something out of the concept if he had enough room to flesh out the story. I don’t think the little kid Prowler’s so concerned about is even named in the story, which gives you some idea of how rushed the execution is. The art ramps up the excitement a bit, with a style that’s a mash-up of Sam Kieth and early Jae Lee. Looking at this back-up, I wonder why exactly Marvel created a new hero to serve as a Spawn clone, when Prowler was already there with his McFarlane friendly costume and cape. I imagine Spider-Man completists would’ve felt more compelled to buy a Prowler series than a Nightwatch one anyway.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

X-FACTOR #113 – August 1995

Wreaking Havok Part Two – Impulsive Behavior

Credits: John Francis Moore (writer), Jerry Bingham (penciler), Al Milgrom (inker), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (lettering), Glynis Oliver (colors)


Havok falls unconscious after being stabbed by Fatale’s poisoned spike. X-Factor tries to rescue him, but Fatale sets the nightclub on fire and escapes. Havok later awakens inside a ship at the harbor. Fatale explains to him that his increased powers have raised the interest of her employer. Yukio secretly tracks Fatale to the docks and sneaks into Havok’s chambers after she leaves. She tries to break him free, but his restraining coils are electrified. Fatale discovers Yukio and attacks, while Havok’s powers begin to go out of control again. After learning Havok’s location from the crimelord Tatsu’o, X-Factor arrives to see the ship explode. Havok is convinced that the explosion of his powers killed Fatale and Yukio, but Yukio emerges from the water alive. Havok puts on the containment suit Polaris gives him, but he’s convinced that things are only going to get worse. Later, Scarlett McKenzie meets a mysterious figure in a limo. He’s still determined to get Havok.

Continuity Notes

The mystery man in the limo has the Sugar Man’s unique word balloons and lettering font. It’s clearly supposed to be him, even though Moore doesn’t give him that strange speech pattern where he runs words together.

This issue reveals that Guido is in the hospital and Wolfsbane’s on her way to Muir Island. Forge attempts to justify Mystique’s presence on the team by saying that she’s “more valuable working with us than in jail -- and I implanted a biological restraint and tracking device to keep her in line.”

Commercial Break

Apparently, there was a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie, because there’s an ad for it on the inside front cover. Actually, seeing this reminds me of a Wizard article that claimed that the success of the Power Rangers movie fast-tracked development of the X-Men movie.


Well, this isn’t as confused and chaotic as the previous issue, thankfully. At the very least, Jerry Bingham does capable fill-in art that blends in with the Steve Epting issues. The story is very straightforward this time, since it only involves X-Factor chasing Fatale and rescuing Havok. Even though it hasn’t been handled very well so far, I don’t mind reviving the idea that Havok’s powers are uncontrollable. Havok’s anxiety over his powers was a large part of his character until he was brought into this title, so I think it’s a legitimate avenue to explore. Moore tries to smooth the transition between teams a little bit here, with a one-sentence explanation of what happened to Guido and Wolfsbane since we last saw them. It’s still a lackluster resolution to the previous storyline, though, and it comes one issue too late. There’s also a half-hearted explanation for why exactly Mystique is on the team, which is another idea that has potential but has suffered from a botched delivery. You can’t help but to think that Marvel had no idea what to do with this character, as she shifted from being a reformed government agent, to a woman driven insane by grief and the nature of her powers, to a manipulative murderer, to a reluctant member of X-Factor, in less than five years. All of these shifts felt forced at the time, but looking back to see how quickly they came about makes you realize just how poorly she was handled. Theoretically, putting Mystique in X-Factor is a nice way to acknowledge her past with Forge and as a government agent, but the creators also have to deal with nonsense like X-Men Unlimited #4, which portrayed her as a heartless killer. And is she supposed to be insane or not? After years of so many inconsistent interpretations, it’s hard to really care about anything that’s done to her. Adding Mystique did make me cautiously optimistic about the future of this title, and I was relieved that this issue wasn’t a total mess. I don’t think I realized that this series was a lost cause until the Adversary storyline, unfortunately.

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