Each day we walk through our lives interacting with others as we make decisions according to a set of presuppositions. We decide to do something out of our character, and then, are disappointed at the results and revert back to who we were. Others do what is out of character for us and get great results... why?
I think it has to do with balance, remember the spirit with which I use the word. Our lives are balanced by the consistency of our actions. When we act outside of our normal actions, it throws us out of balance to others. Out of balance people get poor reactions from others all the time. For example, are you comfortable with that person who is always pretending he/she is something they are not? Why? These people are never consistent. They are always trying to be what the situation demands. They are never consistent in who they are; they are out of balance. Because they are out of balance, they make us feel out of balance, and we do not like that.
Balanced people make us comfortable because we can count on them to be who they have always been. They are consistent, and consistent people put us at ease. That is why most people do not like change. Change is not the same and can not be counted on to be the same. We don't know what is next when we change, and we have to anticipate. Most of us do not like this for many reasons, but one of the most important is that it puts us out of balance too.
Balance is the key to life, and yet more proof for a Holy God. In the picture above, the rocks are stacked in a balanced way so that they will not fall. Someone put those rocks there. They did not form that pile on their own. We are the same way. Someone had to, first, put us in balance, or there would be no such thing as out of balance. In my opinion, if life were random then random would feel comfortable and natural; it does not. What feels natural to everyone I have met is a balanced life. Chaos is not welcome in our home. and, yet, it is there. We spend our days organizing and cleaning in order to rid ourselves of chaos. Why? Chaos is anti-us. It is the antithesis of who we are. Chaos is the epitome of all things out of balance.
There is only one way to balance life and that way has nothing to do with you. It has to do with Him, the Lord Jesus Christ. Some will snicker, others will laugh and even others with teem with anger at the mere mention of his name, but for what? These same people believe in the power of ... crystals or evolution or something even more bizarre. Balance is the key as the Lord Jesus adds that oar to your boat. He gives you purpose and crutches, if you need them.
Long ago on a dark night in February, the Truth was shared with me, and that Truth was the reality of Jesus Christ. He came into my life and added things I desperately needed... morality, purpose and... balance. How are you doing these days with the balancing act of life?
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