I have been getting World Magazine now for almost ten years. I believe, as a news publication, it continues to get better. World Magazine is unapologetic about its identity as a Christian publication attempting to report news from a Christian worldview.
When my issue comes in the mail one of the first articles I read is the one Joel Belz writes. This month's article, Less is More, was on education. It was well written, to the point and exactly what we Christians need to hear regarding education...and all of life.
Education is vital to the Christian for many reasons. May we not forget that one of the most important elements of Christian education is that this Christian process of education will be yet another avenue to instill in our children the fundamental truth of Christ: the first priority in all of life is to love the Lord God with all of our hearts, all of our souls, all of our mind and all of our strength. As a Christian pondering the institutional choices for your children's educational future...consider how your school of choice will do on that one? Blessings!