
Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Extinction of Silence

I tried something the other day that was harder than it really should have been. I sought to find silence, and sadly, I could not find it.

I woke up in the middle of the night and thought...I wonder if I can find silence. I went outside and sat on my front steps only to find noise. Sirens, cars and a plane all where there to rob me of efforts to find silence.

Silence is something I took for granted, but I really should not have. None of us should expect it anymore because I believe it is in danger of becoming extinct, especially when it comes to its relationship with people. But, does it really matter?

I see silence as vital to life itself. It is where we hear God speak to us; it is where God hears our hearts in response to Him. Silence is respect, humility and service. Silence communicates our thoughts to God; it is our proper response to God, and our beginning and end to prayer.

Silence is never neutral. Silence is not the void of everything, but instead, it is the stillness of all things. Silence is where everything is the same, where everything is balanced and where nothing has an advantage. To be silent is submit. To be silent is to listen. To be silent is to be last. Silence is not weakness but strength.

I will close with two questions and a verse.

Does it matter if silence is no longer with us?

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10 

If we are never still can we ever know God?