
Showing posts with label Van Til. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Van Til. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cornelius Van Til and Christian Education

The older a movement gets the more distorted it becomes. Reformed theology is no exception; it is as susceptible as any other tradition. The reformed tradition links itself directly to scripture, which, lulls some into a mindset that the Reformed tradition is right in all things, and all others are wrong in comparison to it. Most Reformers would correct you right there... all comparisons are with scripture alone as it is God's perfect Holy Word.

I am Reformed because its foundation and overall composition is rooted and wrapped in God's Word. One of the truly important features of the Reformed tradition is its views and beliefs regarding education. The Reformers valued education and thought on it often.

Cornelius Van Til is one of the giants of the Reformed tradition. He has written about many subjects and done so from a reformed perceptive. Here is an article he wrote on Christian education. In regard to Van Til, I am in agreement with more of his views than I am in disagreement. This article presents a comprehensive exposition of Christian education, why it is important and how it fits into a Reformed view of the world. I think it is well worth a few moments of your time if you are even remotely interested in Christian education.