
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts

Friday, June 20, 2014


This is not the picture I selected to appear in this post, but it actually is perfect for what I wanted to say in this post because... it was not my choice.

So, what is it then? Was it coincidence? Was it an accident? Was divine intervention? Or, was it the force? (My son would say it was surely the force.)

Well, I stopped believing in coincidences several years ago so it cannot be a coincidence. They no longer exist.

As far as accidents, they have become synonyms for coincidences. They happen, but there is almost always a cause or a reason for their causation.

I do believe in divine intervention, and I have to since I do not believe in coincidences or accidents.

The force, well, that was not real; the only reason I included it was out of my love for my son. So, that leaves me with divine intervention as the answer to this puzzle. There was a reason it was selected, and since I do not know that reason I will have to speculate a little.

The picture means nothing to me, but someone some day will read this post and look at the picture and be moved. The picture will mean something to them that it does not mean to me or to you. It will flood their mind with memories and thoughts and motivate them to do something or call someone. And, the whole time the rest of us will never know anything more about this picture.

I think we can all agree, in one way or another, to this idea, but on what we will all certainly disagree is what this idea is called. Some of you will say coincidence, others will call it an accident, my son might attribute it to the force, but for me, I will call it divine intervention. What is it that causes each of us to define it and label differently? The answer is belief.

Where does belief begin, become ingrained and solidify? Answer... school.

So enjoy your summer, but when fall rolls around and the school year begins, make sure you know the beliefs of those who teach your children because those beliefs will one day be the beliefs of your children, if you are not careful.