Family: Thymelaeaceae
- English: Chinese chellera
- Hindi: Pasyakangtichey
- Ladakhi: རེ་ལྕག་པ་ Rechakpa
- Nepali: देउराली फूल Deuraali phool, kolde mindo, richak, sesak, sokchimeto
- Chinese: Lang du
Poisonous, harmful, virulent, stocks or humans can be killed if they eat the plant. Powdered roots as pesticide. Veterinary medicine, only for goats and sheep, roots applied as anthelmintic to drive parasites out. Roots as fish poison. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Used in infectious diseases and pain from swellings. Used as antiseptic for open wounds, poultice for swellings and fractured bone, and for massage. Slightly poisonous. Smell of the flower can cause headache. [Medicinal Plants of Dolpo]
Stellera chamaejasme L. is an interesting poisonous plant, which is reputed to have medicinal and insecticidal value. It is a repellant and a contactpoison and possibly acts as a stomach poison. Thirteen compounds were isolated from roots of Stellera chamaejasme. [Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants Vol 29]
140 Published articles of Stellera chamaejasme