Family: Euphorbiaceae
Synonym: Oxydectes scabiosa (Bedd.) Kuntze
- English: Silver leaved croton
- Telugu: chilla, verrichilla
- Tamil: kattu catikkay
Description: Deciduous trees 3-5m tall; bark rough, deeply fissured, blackish-brown, young branches tomentose. Leaves alternate; lamina 5-15 × 2-8cm ovate-rhomboid, base coradte, serrate, apex subacute, lepidote-silvery scale on both surfaces, scabrid, coriaceous, leaves turn orange before falling. Flowers greenish yellow, 3-4mm across, in 5-15cm long densely arranged androgynous terminal racemes. Staminate flowers 2-3 at each node, at the upper part of the raceme; 3-4mm across; stamens more than 15, exerted. Carpellate flowers: pedicels short, stout; perianth lobes 5, margins densely woolly; ovary globose, warty; styles 3, bifid. Capsule 8-10 mm in diam., greenish-yellow, globose; outer wall warty.
Habitat & location: Endemic to E.ghats. Few plants are found in Velugonda hill range at Rapur- Kutalamarri ghat.
Habitat & location: Endemic to E.ghats. Few plants are found in Velugonda hill range at Rapur- Kutalamarri ghat.
2 Published articles of Croton scabiosus