Family: Euphorbiaceae
Synonyms: Anisophyllum hypericifolium (L.) Haw., Chamaesyce boliviana (Rusby) Croizat, Chamaesyce glomerifera Millsp., Chamaesyce hypericifolia (L.) Millsp., Ditritea obliqua Raf., Euphorbia boliviana Rusby, Euphorbia glomerifera (Millsp.) L.C.Wheeler, Euphorbia papilligera Boiss., Euphorbia decumbens W., Euphorbia hypericifolia var. maculata Klotzsch
Common names: Graceful Sandmat, Graceful spurge, large spotted spurge, milk purslane
Chinese: tong nai cao
Spanish golondrina, lechera, lechosa
Marshallese: bwilbwilikkaj
Palauan: karkar
French Guiana: marie claire
Surinam: melkie tiekie
Activities — Antipyretic, Astringent, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Hemostat, Laxative, Narcotic .
Indications — Abrasion, Bleeding, Buccal Ulcer, Callus, Cancer, Colic, Coma, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dysuria, Fever, Gynecopathy,
Intestinal Ailment, Leukorrhea, Marasmus, Menorrhagia, Ophthalmia, Respirosis, Ringworm, Sclerosis, Stomatosis , Toothache, Tumor, Uterosis,
Wart, Water Retention. [Handbook of Medicinal Herbs]
Whole plant: Used to treat syphilitic blennorrhoea. In a cataplasm for cephalalgia. Seed:Drastic purgative. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)]
Patent & Published articles of Chamaesyce hypericifolia:
1. Traditional Chinese medicine oral liquid used for treating dysentery and strengthening body resistance, comprises Brucea javanica, radix curcumae, flos Lablab, pseudoginseng, and Euphorbia hypericifolia herb
Patent Number: CN102671149-A, Patent Assignee: HUANG Y
2. Chamaesyce hypericifolia (L.) Millsp., a newly naturalized Spurge species in Taiwan
Chen, Shih-Huei; Wu, Ming-Jou
Taiwania Volume: 49 Issue: 2 Pages: 102-108 Published: June 2004