Family: Elaeagnaceae
Synonyms: Elaeagnus crispa Thunb., Elaeagnus crispa var. praematura Koidz., Elaeagnus longipes var. crispa (Thunb.) Maxim., Elaeagnuspadifolia K.Koch, Elaeagnus praematura (Koidz.) Araki, Elaeagnus umbellata var. nakaiana Araki, Elaeagnus umbellata I nakaiana (Araki) H.Ohba
Common name: Autumn Olive
Chinese: 牛奶子
Danish: Skærm-Sølvblad
Finnish: Sarjahopeapensas
German: Korallen-Ölweide
Hindi: Giwain, Kankal
Japanese: アキグミ
Korean: 보리수나무
Manipuri: হৈযাঈ Heiyai
Nepali: गुएली Guelee
Russian: Лох зонтичный
Serbian: Штитаста дафина
Swedish: koreansk silverbuske
Turkish: Japon iğdesi
Description: Elaeagnus umbellata grows as a deciduous shrub or small tree, typically up to 3.5 m tall, with a dense crown. It commonly bears sharp thorns in the form of spur branches. The leaves are alternate, 4–10 cm long and 2–4 cm wide, entire, but with wavy margins. The leaves are covered with minute silvery scales when they emerge early in spring, but turn greener above as the scales wear off during the summer. In this the plant differs from the related E. angustifolia, which remains silvery until it sheds its leaves in the fall.
The flowers are borne in the leaf axils in clusters of 1-7. They are pale yellowish-white, fragrant, and have a four-lobed corolla 1 cm long. The fruit is a small round drupe 1/4 to 1/3 inches (0.65 to 0.85 cm) in diameter. The unripe fruit is silvery-scaled and yellow. It ripens to red, dotted with silver or brown.
Shrub up to 4 m high. Seeds ellipsoid, constricted to both ends, with 8 distinct ribs, 5.4-6 x 2.4-2.8 mm. Surface smooth, dull, brown or black, ribs pale-brown. Native to China, Korea and Japan; in the Carpathians rarely cultivated in parks as an ornamental. [Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-European Flora]
80 Published articles of Elaeagnus umbellata