Family: Orchidaceae
Synonyms: Elasmatium repens (L.) Dulac ; Epipactis chinensis (Schltr.) Hu ; Epipactis mairei (Schltr.) Hu [Illegitimate] ; Epipactis repens (L.) Crantz ; Gonogona repens (L.) Link ; Goodyera brevis Schltr. ; Goodyera chinensis Schltr. ; Goodyera mairei Schltr. ; Goodyera marginata Lindl. ; Goodyera nantoensis Hayata ; Goodyera ophioides (Fernald) Rydb. ; Neottia repens (L.) Sw. ; Orchiodes marginatum (Lindl.) Kuntze ; Orchiodes repens (L.) Kuntze ; Orchiodes resupinatum Kuntze ; Orchis repens (L.) Eyster ex Poir. ; Peramium nantoense (Hayata) Makino ; Peramium repens (L.) Salisb. ; Peramium secundum (Raf.) House ; Satyrium hirsutum Gilib. [Invalid] ; Satyrium repens L. ; Serapias repens (L.) Vill. ; Tussaca secunda Raf. ; Tussaca repens (L.) Raf. ; Epipactis repens var. ophioides (Fernald) A.A.Eaton ; Goodyera pubescens var. repens (L.) Alph.Wood ; Goodyera repens var. japonica Nakai ; Goodyera repens var. marginata (Lindl.) Tang & F.T.Wang ; Goodyera repens subsp. ophioides (Fernald) Á.Löve & W.Simon ; Goodyera repens var. ophioides Fernald ; Goodyera repens f. ophioides (Fernald) P.M.Br. ; Peramium repens var. ophioides (Fernald) A.Heller;
Common names: Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain, Creeping Lady's-Tresses
Chinese: 大叶火烧兰
Deutsch: Kriechendes Netzblatt
Estonian: Roomav öövilge
Finnish: Yövilkka
Hungarian: Gyökerező avarvirág
Latvian: Ložņu saulenīte
Netherlands: Dennenorchis
Norwegian: Knerot
Polski: Tajęża jednostronna
Russian: Гудайера ползучая
Svenska: Knärot
Upper Sorbian: Łažata kózlica
Perennial, stems 10-30 cm, ascendent, mostly in groups, leafy below, scaly above, glandular-downy, flower minute, whitish. Seeds spherical in external, longitudinal, hyaline testa, 0.6-0.8 x 0.15 mm. Testa surface smooth, lustrous, brownish, seeds brown. 2n = 30 (32-40). Native to circumpolar territories, shady, mountain, coniferous or mixed woods, mostly non-calcareous, dryer grounds; throughout the Carpathians. [Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central And East-European Flora]
Dwarf rattlesnake-plantain. Goodyera ophioides (Fern.) Rydb.; G. repens (L.) R. Br. in Ait. & Ait. f. var. ophioides Fern.; Peramium ophioides (Fern.) Rydb.; Satyrium repens L. • CT, MA, ME, NH, VT. Evergreen and mixed evergreen-deciduous forests, usually growing on humus-rich soil and/or with bryophytes. [A Manual for the Identification of Native and Naturalized Higher Vascular Plants of New England]
Dwarf rattlesnake-plantain. Goodyera ophioides (Fern.) Rydb.; G. repens (L.) R. Br. in Ait. & Ait. f. var. ophioides Fern.; Peramium ophioides (Fern.) Rydb.; Satyrium repens L. • CT, MA, ME, NH, VT. Evergreen and mixed evergreen-deciduous forests, usually growing on humus-rich soil and/or with bryophytes. [A Manual for the Identification of Native and Naturalized Higher Vascular Plants of New England]
Photo: Dr. Nidhan Singh @ Chakrata
30 Published articles of Goodyera repen