Family: Rosaceae
Synonyms: Prunus dulcis (Mill.) Webb., Amygdalus communis L., Amygdalus dulcis Mill.,
Arabic : Lawz.
Bengali : baadaam, Desi baadaam.
Chinese : Bian tao, Xing ren , Ba dan xing.
Danish : Mandel, Mandeltræ.
Dutch : Amandel, Amandelboom.
English : Almond,
English : Almond, Almond tree.
Estonian : Harilik mandlipuu.
French : Amande, Amandier, Amandier commun.
German : Echte Mandel, Echter Mandelbaum, Mandel, Mandelbaum.
Hindi : बादाम Baadaam,
Hindi : Baadaam.
Italian : Mandorla, Mandorlo , Mandorlo comune.
Japanese: Aamondo, Aamendousu, Hadankyou, Kara momo, Kara momo, Hentou, Hatankyou.
Kannada : Badaamu ಬದಾಮು.
Korean : A mon teu, Al mon teu.
Nepalese : Badaama.
Persian : Badam.
Polish : Mygdal zwyczajny.
Portuguese : Amêndoa, Amendoeira.
Russian : Mindal', Mindal' obyknovennyi.
Sanskrit : Inguda
Slovenian : Mandelj, Mandljevec.
Spanish : Almendra, Almendrero, Almendro.
Swedish : Mandelträd.
Tamil : Inkuti, Saraparuppu சார பருப்பு, Vaatumai வாதுமை, Badam பாதாம்
Telugu : Badam బాదాం
Urdu : Badam
Ayurvedic uses: Kernels—nutritious, demulcent and stimulant nervine tonic; valuable in diets for peptic
ulcer. Unripe fruits— astringent, applied to gums. Oil—nutritive, demulcent, slightly laxative.
There is one more Badam known as Terminalia catappa
339 Published articles on Prunus Amygdalus/Prunus dulcis