
Showing posts from May, 2012

Garden Check-in Time!

Woot woot...this garden is ah-growin'!

Last Practice!

Tonight was our very last softball practice--- Woohoo!!! We played a game of Parents vs. Girls...don't meant to rub it in, but the Parents won!!  :o) It's been great coaching these girls and Kaila, but wow it is a lot of work.  Especially, when you are working full time, have 3 kids and a hubby.  They are all so sweet, but it's been an adventure.  I am super grateful for my assistant coach, Janna, if it wasn't for her I don't know what would have happened!  I've played softball, but never coached...she was great!  Unfortunately, one of my girls, Kayla, lost her sister the first week after practice.  I still feel so bad for their family, I can't imagine what they are going through, especially with not really knowing the cause, but I will say they are one of the strongest families I know---They really are great! I dealt with some parental drama, emailed people more than I would ever care to, called and drove to the NYS office way too much, spent hours out

Bad Day---Good Day!

I was having a rough day, no make that a rough week and to help my day go better Rob sent me these of the boys! How does your day not get better with those faces?!  Thanks, babe for making my day so much better!


These two just capture my heart, especially when they are so nice to each other!! They are just so stinking cute!!! Love them to pieces!


I have to share these cupcakes because I think they are too flipping cute!  My sister turned 21 and she wanted bright neon pink cupcakes so after trying to figure out what to do I made black ones (chocolate dyed black) with neon pink (vanilla) frosting and put each one in a martini glass... The cupcakes were very yummy; however, transporting them were not so fun!  At one point we had to stop on the freeway, wearing a dress, I had to get out and fix them...we officially lost 5, but we made it!  This little man loved them! The girls all dressed up for Mill!! {Haley, Me & Michele} My sister got "sick" and was ready to go home, so we got a cab and on the way home the cab driver blew a tire-- Not funny for my sister who was not feelin' so well, but it was hilarious!  Especially when he asked us if we wanted an Icee while we waited--Haha!!  My brother came and got us off the freeway and took us all was a great night and we had so much fun!!


It may be getting super warm out, but we have got ourselves a serious ball player!!  This girl is getting so good.  She hit a solo home-run!!!!  Can we say, awesome !!!!! To celebrate, the sis & I got the coolest ice cream from the ice cream truck...I love the old school ice cream!! Great job, Kaila!!

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day was very nice!  {they know me all too well!} I was spoiled by the hubs {and kids!}, but it was appreciated :o)  They got me a Kindle Fire and it's awesome!!  As well as some beautiful flowers and these precious cards that they made at Maria's--- Love them!! We then had breakfast with my mom and some family at Wildflower and then the girls went and got pedicures!! {I got all of 5 of us, but the best part is that everyone was on their phones playing except Ms Kaila.  She was playing with the chair remote---she so desperately wants a phone, but it's not happening just yet. Ha!} My mom, sister, Rob and I then went and saw a movie together and then Rob made me a phenonmenal steak dinner!!  We had steak kabobs, baked potatoes, corn, homemade mac & cheese, salad and break!!  It was so good...Outback, eat your heart out. Ha! {attempt #1...not showing- Ha!, but attempt #2 was super funny!!}   And we got one :o) I am so blessed to have a wonderfu


Having boys equals lots of gross boy things like, farting... Tyson:  Farts very loud. Lincoln: "Tyson, fart?!" Mommy:  "Yes." Lincoln: "Stanky, stanky, stanky, fart" while belly laughing. Tyson: "Stinky stinky stinky stinky" while belly laughing. They seriously think it's the greatest and funniest thing ever...Earlier today, Lincoln farted multiple which was very smelly!  And by very smelly, I mean that smell should NOT be coming from my 2 and a half year old already kind of smelly!  He proceeds to laugh and get closer to me...really?!  I can only imagine what it will be like when they are older!  Oye vey!

The ever-growing garden!

I honestly cannot believe I have not completely killed the garden- Haha!  It is actually doing really well and I am so proud I haven't ruined it! Here's what it looked like at the beginning... And, here's what it looks like today... This tomato plant just shot up and finally produced a tomato!  Our watermelon plant... That my friends is a watermelon! Cucumber plants...we're having to train them to climb the wall because they went traveling across the bottom of the garden... This plant is smaller, but is producing a TON of tomatoes!  And look our first tomato!! Look at all those tomatoes!! The only plan that was not doing so well was my yellow squash so just the other day I decided to take it out and I planted a cantaloupe instead...I'm so excited!! I planted some rows of carrots and haven't had any sprout yet, but we accidentally dropped some seeds when we started the garden and look what is sprouting...carrots!! Everything else seems to be doing w


I am not a fan of the random billings you send out.  Can't you send them all at once or closer to the service date?!  I am beyond grateful for the surgeons, nurses, doctors and the entire cardiac team, but this is not cool.  Not cool.

Potty Training!!

If you would have asked me a few weeks ago how it was going I would have said lots of negative things, but I can now only say positive things, because they are doing GREAT!!    They have been slowly working on potty training since October (Slowly on purpose b/c they were still pretty young).  They started out well, then reverted a little with us and then a little bit with Maria. I finally decided we were going to go full force so two Sundays ago we stopped wearing pull-ups!  I am seriously so proud of them and ourselves :o)  We all have really stuck with it and it is paying off! Peeing in the potty is 95% trained, just need to solidify the nights and pooping...well pooping, is getting better.  They are still somewhat afraid of going on the toilet, but with the help of jelly beans we are getting there!!  I just hope they never stop making jelly beans, because they are quite the motivators :o) It's a lot of work, but it never gets old screaming and clapping in pure excitemen


I witnessed the sweetest thing ever while the boys were in the bathtub tonight:   Tyson was sitting back along the tub and Lincoln was touching his scars along his chest and pouring water on it saying "your boo-boo? boo-boo done".  He was attempting to make his "boo-boo" all better. I'll be honest...I got a little teary at how sweet and concerned Lincoln was and how Tyson was responding.  They didn't really say much, but just they behaviour towards each other was so genuine and caring.  And really touched my heart.  Tyson has actually been noticing his scar a lot lately.  I have been catching him looking in the mirror and touching it---He still doesn't understand why or what it is from, but it's amazing to watch him look at it and feel it.  Actually, they both have realized that it is there and it is truly a sight to see. Within moments after that sweet moment, they went right back to being boys...I was going to post on facebook about them being


Holy April!  I can't believe we're already in May...this past month has been so busy and has pretty much flown by.  Here's a look back at some of our crazy days... We started out with some awesome weather so we've been soaking up as much as we can before it gets too hot to even think about going outside: Softball, Softball and more Softball!  I am coaching Kaila's team, which is way harder than it looks and super busy!  There's a part of my that totally loves it, but another part that can't wait to be finished...2 more weeks! We, I mean Rob, built an awesome swing set that boys have a blast on!  He seriously worked so hard on it and it turned out great!! The boys are staying silly as ever... My sister and her boyfriend added a new member to the family and she is the cutest thing ever!! Miss Tilly... The boys are starting to take after their daddy and started wearing "skater" clothes :o) We had a pretty good Easter---I absolutely love c