
Showing posts from June, 2011


Oh my goodness, I am always one that says be careful of what you do because I believe in Karma.  Well today, I got mine!!  haha!  This morning I wrote this text message to my friend... "I put Rob in charge of the boys this morning while I cleaned  up stairs etc and it's so funny to listen to the chaos!!! Haha, I'm so mean!" See, normally I am the one who is always in charge of the kids and deal with the chaos and today I didn't want to do it this morning! :o)  As I was sending this text, Rob came up behind me, grabbed me and yelled and completely scared the living crap out of me!!!  I had a slight delayed reaction, but I screamed and of course I threw my phone across the laundry room!  Dang Karma!!!

Father's Day!

Father's Day was pretty low key around here (per the request of Rob) so we just spent some time with just the 5 of us throughout the weekend.   I am so lucky to have Rob as the father of my children, he is the greatest Father and Husband anyone could ask for!!  We took him to Flo's on Saturday for lunch and then on Father's Day, he went and played some tennis while we got stuff for one of his favorite meals: roast beef melts with macaroni salad :o) The boys made him some super cute paintings and Kaila gave him lots of little tickets to redeem for different items as lawn work, a day where there's no talking from her etc.---very creative! And I got him some new shoes. Made by Lincoln... Made by Tyson... Later on in the day we stopped by my parents house to see my Dad and give him his paintings from the kids.  I wish I had taken a picture of those because they all turned out so good!! We then had dinner with a friend to celebrate with Rob!! Happy Father's Day


Since the boys are completely obsessed with the movie "Cars" (aka: "Caws"), we decided to take them to go see "Cars 2" when it came out.  We've been talking to them all week about going and today was the big day!  It was their first actual movie in the theater!  They each picked out a new "Cars" shirt and absolutely love them!! Here they are getting ready to go buy our tickets!! Showing off their new shirts while waiting in line to go in...yes we were the first ones!!! Is it time to go in yet?  We're ready!! Since we were the first ones in, we got the best seats in the house (so we think so!), in the front row just behind the railing!  We let the boys run around since we had time to waste, the stairs were a big hit!  And then we got some yummy snacks!! They were just so cute and I (as every mom would!) got very sentimental (hence all the pictures!!)...they are just growing up so fast!!  It seems like, not too long ago they were

Playplaces = Sanity for Me!

Somedays, I live for playplaces! We never went to this McDonalds, but while we were waiting to see the movie, "Cars 2", we stopped by and the boys loved this one...probably because it had a car they could get in :o) Oh my gosh, these next 2 pictures are just too cute!! Thank you McDonalds, Chick-fil-A and the Malls for these wonderful playplaces, us Moms greatly appreicate it!!

Lincoln & Tyson: 1 -- Mommy: 0

Losing to toddlers is very rough on the ego, very rough!!! As stated before, these boys have crazy energy and get into everything. On this particular day, it was one thing after the other... Early in the morning...I mopped the floors twice plus a third time where the spill happened the night before.   Still early morning...I attempt to take a shower while they're watching "Cars"---I was upstairs for less than 10 minutes and when I got back down, Lincoln is sitting on the island with an open can of Dr Pepper in his hand and of course spilled it all over! Awesome.   Attempted to go pick up a Rug Doctor from Home Depot---I did let them walk instead of getting a cart because they usually stay with me...not this day (I know, I asked for it, but usually they are good!). After about a minute or two standing there, they took off. Together?! Nope, in separate directions! Again, awesome. Finally I rounded them up, threw them in the cart and the temper tantrums begun. Fun. As soo


I love how a couple posts before this one, was about how angelic my kids were and how I was able to nap and just cherish our time together and this one, well...this one is not.  I'm not sure what's going on in the universe or what is in the water, but these children of mine are out to make me crazy!!  The first part of summer, all 3 were really good and then bamb! one morning last week they woke up and it's been crazy.  Not just a little crazy, like "pull your hair out-want to run away-and drink all day" kind of crazy!  Kaila has just been a little cranky, nothing too-too bad, but enough to make me want to wash her mouth out with soap every hour and throw away all her stuff :o)  And the boys...holy Jesus, these 2 guys (as a friend told me) " have it in their eyes as to what they can get into/break next ".  And after talking with my Mother-in-law, she reminded so sweetly that the terrible 2's are coming, but will pass :o)  She also told me that she

11 Years Old!!

We officially have a 11 year old/6th Grader in our house!  And yes, we are starting to feel old :(  For her Birthday Dinner, she decided she wanted to go to Rain Forest Cafe---It is a cool place and I haven't been in about 10 years in which I forgot that they have pretend thunderstorms and the animals move and make very loud noises...not a place I recommend taking toddlers!!  The boys, especially Tyson, were kind of scared of everything!!    If it weren't for the awesome fish tanks, we just might have had to leave! Kaila went around and took a ton of pictures throughout the restaurant.  Here are a few...    The stools at the bar were so funny looking!!   Kaila: "What's the best thing about turning 11?!?! You get to order off the adult menu!!" Thoughts running through my head...Nothing, but dollar signs! Time to open her numerous presents!!  This girl made out like a bandit!   She really wanted an ipod touch, but after realizing that wasn't goin


All 3 of the kids had their creativity caps on and had so much fun building stuff together out of blocks...